LUL Stations

RMT Stations
For the latest on our fight against job cuts on London Underground go to our campaign Every Job Matters .

RMTV: Keep Whitechapel Ticket Office Open

On July 15, 2013 RMT organised a demonstration at Whitechapel Underground station to campaign against the proposed closure of the ticket office at this station. RMT general secretary Bob Crow joined those demonstrating and spoke to RMTv.

TUBE UNION RMT today pledged to step up the fight to defend ticket offices on London Underground with an all-out battle over the threat to the service at Whitechapel in East London.

The RMT has registered its strong opposition to plans to remove the ticket office from Whitechapel station during the process of rebuilding the station for it to be served by Crossrail. The plans totally ignore the fact that the station serves an area which includes a busy market and a major hospital. The area is also known for its diverse local population, many of whom need to access staff support at an open ticket office rather than rely on ticket-issuing machines – machines that are vulnerable to vandalism.

The video is filmed and edited by Andrew Brattle. You can watch many more videos like this at

In The News: RMT Respond To Whitechapel Ticket Office Closure Threat

The threat of the closure of Whitechapel ticket office has been reported in both the local and national press.

RMT has registered its strong opposition to plans to remove the ticket office from Whitechapel station during the process of rebuilding the station for it to be served by Crossrail. The plans totally ignore the fact that the station serves an area which includes a busy market and a major hospital. The area is also known for its diverse local population, many of whom need to access staff support at an open ticket office rather than rely on ticket-issuing machines – machines that are vulnerable to vandalism.

Union Campaign To Stop Closure Of Whitechapel Ticket Office Steps Up With Protest

Join the protest at 8am on Monday

TUBE UNION RMT will hold a protest at Whitechapel station at 8am next Monday – 15th July – as the union steps up the campaign to defend ticket offices on London Underground from attempts by Mayor Boris Johnson to smuggle in ticket office closures through the back door – despite pledging to oppose closures before he was elected.

Bakerloo Line Detrainment Jobs Needs Permanent Rostered Staff

We welcome the report from our Regional Organiser.

We note that LUL presented its three-month review of its detrainment procedure to our Trains Safety Council representatives on Monday 1 July. The company has made no progress in achieving a technical solution to minimising overcarries, and continues to deploy station staff as part of its detrainment procedure.

It is therefore clear that the work being carried out by station staff is permanent. It is thus no longer appropriate for this to be done by the Special Requirements Team; rostored station staff posts should be restored.

Whitechapel Station Ticket Office Faces Bulldozers In July 2014

From RMT General Secretary Bob Crow

Many of you will be aware that Whitechapel Underground station is undergoing a huge refurbishment, which will see the station serving thousands more customers each year, as a result of the Crossrail project. However, London Underground has announced plans to remove and close the Ticket Office from July 2014, which will also result in the loss of SAMF positions.

Every Journey Matters, but Not Every job

Download the attachment for the full SFC Newsletter

It is an indication of the way things are that the most important issue in this SFC News is about something management will not discuss at Functional Council.
Once again we have asked LU to come clean and tell members what their plans are for our stations. Vauxhall has now been added to the list of stations that will be refurbished and re-opened without a ticket office. Management refuse to say which other stations, or even how many will lose their ticket offices.

Fatigue - Station And Revenue Grades

This circular is from RMT General Secretary Bob Crow

The following resolution was adopted at the 2012 National Conference of Station and Associated Grades concerning fatigue. Subsequently, the General Grades Committee adopted the following report from the GGC Health & Safety Sub-committee:

“That we note the resolution from our National Conference of Station and Associated Grades 2012.