LUL Stations

RMT Stations
For the latest on our fight against job cuts on London Underground go to our campaign Every Job Matters .

Stop The Closure Of Whitechapel Ticket Office

Please take a few seconds to add your name to the petition to stop the closure of Whitechapel ticket office:

With Crossrail coming to London next year, Whitechapel Underground station is undergoing a huge refurbishment, which will see the station serving thousands more customers each year. However, London Underground has announced that the completed station will have no ticket office.

London Calling May 2013

In this edition:

  • Piccadilly dispute latest
  • Tube lines dispute
  • Update on Rainbow Sickness Process from Stations Functional Council Reps
  • Fighting for the 33
  • Support ISS Cleaners
  • Supervisor Cuts and Wider use of ICSAs Will be Resisted
  • Thermal Comfort Survey

Thermal Comfort Survey - The Results

Last month RMT Health & Safety representative Julie Miller surveyed station staff, asking about the effects of working in cold weather and the mitigation offered.

Nearly 700 people responded - around half station assistants (CSA's), a third station supervisor's and the remainder Revenue Control Inspectors and ticket office workers (SAMFs).

London Calling Newsletter April 2013

The latest edition of RMT London Calling Newsletter has been released. You can view or download it below.

In this edition:

  • Job cuts: Now LU tears up machinery of negotiation
  • Why has LU got to save money?
  • Olympic robbery
  • Still seeking justice for the 33
  • ISS wants Cleaners to Pay for New Contract with LU
  • RCIs Move Closer To Unprecedented Strike Ballot
  • LT Regional Secretary, John Reid, in Camden Council Election Campaign
  • LTRC Officers 2013

RMT Calls For Urgent Discussion Over Missing Bonus Payment

We note the correspondence from London Underground Ltd attempting to justify the non-payment of the end-of-year £100 CSS bonus to staff. None of the documentation provided by the company shows this union agreeing to, or even being advised of, this policy.

We instruct the General Secretary to table this for urgent discussion at LUL Company Council and to seek the support of the other LUL trade unions for the restoration of this £100 stolen from our members by their employer.

Revenue & Station Grades Meeting 28th Of March 2013


As many know, London Underground is in the process of engineering another jobs attack. The RMT is taking a proactive stance in preparations for the changes, and part of this is to renew solidarity amongst all grades. Now more than ever it is vital that we reinvigorate our members and show an energised union presence in the workplace.

A major opportunity to do this is at our monthly Station Staff Recruitment and Retention day. I write you to request that you would send some representatives from your group and branch to our next Station Staff Recruitment and Retention day.

Updated Advice on Rainbow from Stations & Revenue Functional Reps

See the attached updated advice for dealing with Rainbow sickness processes.

Feb 2013-02-28

Update on Rainbow Sickness Process from Stations Functional Council Reps (SFC).

This update is overdue but we have been waiting for an agreed set of minutes from the last APC (Attendance, Performance & Conduct) meeting with management. The minutes are still in dispute but as the next meeting is not now scheduled until April and we are now getting more reports of the process kicking off again we are issuing this update to previous advice.
