LUL Stations

RMT Stations
For the latest on our fight against job cuts on London Underground go to our campaign Every Job Matters .

Rickmansworth Group News: Ticket office Discrepancies

Neasden Branch
Rickmansworth Group

Jared Wood, Industrial Relations Rep
To RMT Members,
11 Oct 2012
Ticket Office Discrepancies

As a new batch of surplus/loss letters have just gone out I am re-circulating the attached pro-forma memo for you to use in response to any letter you receive.
If you know a discrepancy has arisen because of machine failure or similar then write your own memo giving this information. If you do not know why a discrepancy has occurred I suggest you use the attached.
All the best,

RMT Evidence To The Greater London Assembly Follow-up To Its Investigation Into The State Of The Tube

As the largest trade union on London Underground, and the only union representing all grades on London Underground, RMT deeply regrets that no action has been taken following the GLA investigation into the state of the Tube.

In particular, RMT is deeply concerned that following the Union’s active engagement in the investigation, and the subsequent good faith with which we engaged the Olympics, that it now appears that our members are faced with an unprecedented assault.

Continue reading or download the original document attached below

RMT To Enhance Campaign Against 'Operational Effectiveness Programme'

We note the views expressed by our representatives held on Monday 8 October.

We therefore reaffirm our industrial action, and instruct the General Secretary to ensure:

  1. a renewed effort to promote and explain the action to drivers.
  2. regular updates from reps on developments.
  3. an up-to-date list of platforms with disputed categorisation is produced.
  4. our stations representatives produce publicity material for station staff, especially supervisors, on this issue and the union’s stance on it.

Any developments to be placed in front of us.

Tube Driver Action Prevents Potentially Lethal Incident With 12 Year Old Boy And Highlights Case For “detrainment” Staff

TUBE UNION RMT today praised the intervention of a Bakerloo Line tube driver which prevented a potential tragedy involving a 12 year old boy

The incident took place on Monday at 3.30 pm. The 12 year old boy was over-carried (on board the train after its final passenger stop) into the Queens Park sidings. Previously these trains used to be physically checked that they were empty prior to going into the sidings. RMT objected to the ending of detraining and said at the time that getting rid of detrainment staff was unsafe.

Press Coverage Of Queens Park Sidings Incident Which Saw Young Child On Track

Yesterday we reported the story of a 12 year old boy who had been taken into the sidings on the Bakerloo Line onboard an out of service train. The boy then climbed out between carriages into an area with live tracks and moving trains.

The boy managed to "shimmy up and over the ‘inner car barriers’ and out of the train. He could have killed himself as his means of exit from the train was directly going onto the live positive rail. He got out of the train into an area of 4 live running roads; it was only the actions of the driver that prevented a fatality."

Revenue Control Members Consider Ballot

Revenue control members across London underground are looking at what action to take in response to several issues now impacting the deparment. They include:

  • Christmas Leave being cancelled, even though already agreed
  • Duty mangers trying their hardest not to grant requests for odd days leave
  • Flexible working and mutual swaps being ripped up
  • Staff being coerced to break the framework to take part in special exercises
  • Morale at an all-time low

Revenue & Station Grades Meeting


• Next meeting 27 September 2102 1430 at the Exmouth Arms, Star St, NW1

• Come along and hear your level 2/Tier 2 reps report back.

• Discuss where we go after the Olympics

• Defend Ticket office jobs

• How the nomination process could affect you

• It’s your union, your job come along and have your say



LUL’S Olympic Legacy: Setting A Train Back By Up To One Car

As part of the Operational Effectiveness programme LUL have introduced a number of changes to Rules. These changes were discussed through the machinery until finally being exhausted at Safety Forum level. LUL chose to push through the majority of these changes.

These Rules were introduced as OSN101 in September 2011 in a booklet titled ‘Getting ready for the Olympics’. Among these changes was an instruction which allows for a Train Operator to set their train back by one car or less after a platform overrun or in the event of a SPAD.

LUL’S Olympic Legacy: Platform re-categorisation

As part of the Operational Effectiveness programme LUL introduced a number of changes to Rules. These changes were discussed through the machinery until finally being exhausted at Safety Forum level. LUL chose to push through the majority of these changes.

These Rules were introduced as OSN101 in September 2011 in a booklet titled ‘Getting ready for the Olympics’. One of these is a change to Rulebook 8 Section 2.1 which determines how a platform is given an ‘A’ Category.