LUL Stations

RMT Stations
For the latest on our fight against job cuts on London Underground go to our campaign Every Job Matters .

Report: Bank group level one meeting, 28 January 2014

Yesterday (28 January), there was a Level One meeting for Bank group, attended by me (RMT rep), the TSSA rep and the GSM. Official minutes will appear in due course. Issues discussed, and outcomes, included the following:

It was noted that staff were not give adequate notice of the new roster at St. Paul’s and Chancery Lane at the end of last year. You are entitled to 14 days notice of any change to the roster, and management committed that this will happen in future.

Workplace Violence Survey For London Underground Station Workers

An email has been sent out to via internal email to London Underground station staff regarding workplace violence and staff assaults.

We hope that the results of this survey may lead to creating a better environment for you to work in and helping to eradicate the risk of violence towards staff working on stations.

Please be as honest with your answers as possible. Although the survey asks for your grade it is completely anonymous and will not be used to identify staff in any way.

Every Job Matters Strike Details

Tube Union RMT confirmed today that following a ballot of members across London Underground in a dispute over jobs, services and safety that recorded a massive vote for both strike action and action short of a strike members are instructed to take action as follows:

Strike Action

  • Members except drivers to cease work between 12.00 hours on 4th February until 11.59 hours on 6th February.
    • Driver members not to book on for any shifts between those hours.

Trains Managers Asked To Work As 'Incident Station Supervisors' With 4 Days Training

RMT Regional Organiser John Leach has written to London Underground Human Resources Boss Gerry Duffy in response to a trains operations staff manager asking subordinate managers whether they would be willing to work as 'Incident Station Supervisors' with just a 4 day training course. In Leach's letter to Duffy he explains that he is "extremely concerned with the Health & Safety implications" of this proposal as there is a "rigorous training programme for Station Supervisors."

The request for volunteers asked:

London Underground Document Gives More Detail On Devastating Cuts Plan

The RMT have recieved a new document which reveals more details of London Undergrounds cuts plan. This newly released document, attached below, is a 'Change Assurance Plan' which gives some further insight into what these cuts, if successful, could mean in health & safety terms .

The document is very low on detail of how the proposed changes to station staffing structure will impact on the driver grade. However, section 2.7 claims that there are no changes proposed to train operations.