LUL Stations

RMT Stations
For the latest on our fight against job cuts on London Underground go to our campaign Every Job Matters .

Wembley Central station stand firm for safety in the workplace

The new Health & Safety rep on the Wembley Central Group, Alan Foster has raised the issue of places of safety for staff on the gateline. On London Underground the standard place of safety is the GLAP. But when LU took over the control of the silver link stations north of Queens Park in 2007 none were put in. Management were quick enough off the mark to bring in gate lines to maximise revenue but the safety of the staff working the gate lines was deemed secondary.

Station Staff Survey: Short-Staffing On London Underground

The RMT London Transport Region is collecting stories of working alone or with too few staff on London Underground stations. You can complete the survey by clicking go to form below.

You can leave your name and email address, which will be kept entirely confidential and will allow us to contact you for more information. You can alternatively leave these blank if you prefer.

Companies and grades: 

7th of July Stations and Revenue Grades Committee

The next stations and revenue grades committee meets on: Wednesday 7th of July at 1500 hrs at The Exmouth Arms. The nearest station is Euston Square. If you need directions or further information please contact

It is important that as many reps as possible attend, and it would be great if reps could bring members with them as this is may be the last meeting we have before any industrial action takes place - certainly this will be the last SRGC meeting before the closing date of the all grades ballot.

Special issue of 'RMT Platform' - ten reasons why you should vote YES-YES

Please find attached the new issue of 'RMT Platform', our newsletter for London Underground station and revenue staff. It reports on what has been happening at talks with the company, explains how the job cuts will affect staff, answers frequently-asked questions, and offers ten reasons why staff should vote Yes in RMT's ballot for industrial action. Please download and distribute widely. Printed copies will also be available at the Regional Office at Unity House.

'RMT Platform' special issue, 22 June: Can Rostered Staff be Made to Work at Another Station?

As London Underground management move staff around like pawns to cover for their own deliberate under-staffing of stations, our new issue of 'RMT Platform' tells you exactly what your rights are, and how to stop management abusing them.

Click '1 attachment' / file name to download. Pleast distribute widely.

Passengers Say: Staff Our Stations!

Here are some of the responses we have received from passengers to our 'Staff Our Stations' leaflets:

"White City Tube Station is very busy and well and is situated at the heart of a large residential community and serves a number of major businesses such as the BBC and Westfield Shopping Centre. I object most strongly to the proposed staff cuts at this station."
Simon McKay

Average Call to Oyster Help Line Takes Nearly 11 Minutes

A freedom of information request shows that it takes on average nearly 11 minutes to resolve a query for customers calling the Oyster Helpline.

Is this what TfL and LU see as staying true to their vision of world class customer service when discussing job cuts? Is 11 minutes on a telephone better service than a face to face chat with staff in a ticket office?