LUL Stations

RMT Stations
For the latest on our fight against job cuts on London Underground go to our campaign Every Job Matters .

LU Organisational Strategic Plan (OSP) Equality Review

Report to RMT stations representatives from Janine Booth


  • London Underground does not consider the needs of equalities groups when calculating its station staffing levels.
  • LU's methods for collecting information, categorising passenger journeys and assessing data are deeply flawed and fail to account for equality issues.
  • LU did not carry out an adequate Equality Impact Assessment before going ahead with the OSP, despite being obliged by law to do so. The revisions it has made to the EqIA since then are minor and wholly inadequate.

RMT Stations Reps to Discuss Job Cuts Reviews

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note that London Underground has agreed to release all our stations representatives - industrial relations and health and safety - to attend a meeting to discuss the reviews of the Operational Strategic Plan (OSP: job cuts) on May 24, and that the meeting will take place at the Indian YMCA, Fitzroy Square from 10:00 until 17:00.

We instruct the General Secretary to ensure that:

  • all representatives are advised by post of this meeting and that they are expected to attend

Why Station and Revenue Staff Should Support Victimised RMT Reps

Click '1 attachment' / file name to download the latest issue of 'RMT Platform', which leads with this article:

Station and revenue staff should support RMT's campaign to win the reinstatement of sacked driver reps Eamonn Lynch and Arwyn Thomas.

London Underground sacked Eamonn for following instructions from line control when he had a defective trip cock! Other drivers in similar situations, even those more at fault, have not been sacked. LU sacked Arwyn following allegations from a strike-breaker during last year's strikes against stations job cuts.

Confirmed: Version 22a is the Stations Framework Agreement

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note and endorse the report from our Regional Organiser.

We welcome the fact that London Underground has finally accepted that Version 22a of the Stations Framework Agreement is the agreed Framework which applies to station staff and that its Version 24 has not been agreed and does not apply. We particularly welcome the fact that management's attempt to worsen our members' working conditions - including requiring staff to work away from their rostered station in non-urgent situations, and allowing management to impose roster changes - have not succeeded.

We remain vigilant for further attempts by LU to impose these or similar attacks, and instruct our functional council representatives to oppose any such moves and alert the Regional Organiser.

RMT Defends LU Stations Reps Numbers

RMT General Grades Committee decision about London Underground Machinery of Negotiation and Consutlation:

“We note that following the job- cutting OSP, which reduced the number of Station groups from 42 to 37, London Underground management has unilaterally declared a reduction in the number of RMT representatives. Their action in doing so is completely outside the agreed processes.

The Machinery of Negotiation and Consultation states that:

Report: Job Cuts Equalities Review

The latest meeting of the Equalities strand of the OSP (job cuts) review, on Tuesday 1 March, revealed that London Underground does not consider the needs of equalities groups when calculating its station staffing levels. RMT secured agreement from LU to consider revising these calculations to include equalities considerations.