LUL Stations

RMT Stations
For the latest on our fight against job cuts on London Underground go to our campaign Every Job Matters .

Station and Revenue Grades Committee

• AGM on 23 February 2102 1430 at the Exmouth Arms, Starcross St, NW1, we will elect Chair and Secretary of committee. Nominations welcome.
• Come along and hear your level 2/Tier 2 reps report back, discuss and get advice.
• Olympic deal latest.
• All RMT Revenue & Station Staff Welcome.
• It’s your union, your job, come along and have your say



Elaine Holness Employment Tribunal 6/2/12

Elaine Holness Employment Tribunal February 6 2012

Elaine will finally get her chance to have her case heard at the Employment Tribunal in West Croydon on Monday Feb 6. Please make every effort to come down and support our comrade who has been treated so disgracefully since March 2009 by LUL and until we secure her re-instatement the victimisation dispute should not be considered closed.

RMT Objects to LU's Continuing Use of Agencies to Staff Stations

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the correspondence from our Bakerloo branch, and the report now received from our lead officer on talks with London Underground about the use of agency and security staff, at which our representatives pressed the company to replace the use of agency staff and security guards with permanent, directly-employed jobs on LU’s ex-Silverlink stations.

RMT Objects to LU Plan to Dilute Minimum Station Staffing Levels

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note that London Underground intends to count partially-trained Incident Customer Service Assistants towards minimum staffing numbers on stations, despite the fact that these ICSAs are not fully trained and qualified in the Customer Service Assistant (CSA) role, and are in fact not station staff at all, but staff in other (mainly administration) grades given a brief training course to carry out additional duties on stations.