LUL Stations

RMT Stations
For the latest on our fight against job cuts on London Underground go to our campaign Every Job Matters .

RMT Platform July Edition

The June/Early July Edition of Platform includes:

  1. a "liberated" Stations Framework article from Gavin Bowtell
  2. A look at the proposed surplus and loss procedure
  3. An update on cleaning vouchers
  4. Report on victimisations

'RMT Platform' August issue out now

Click '1 attachment' / file name to download the new issue of 'RMT Platform', our newsletter for station and revenue staff. It includes information about merger talks with TSSA, RMT meetings and activities for station and revenue staff, the Olympics, safety issues, the use of national rail staff on LU stations, and RMT's planned boycotts of Enhanced AFM Functionality and 'line reserve'.

December RMT Platform Newsletter

Click on the attachment to download the latest RMT Platform newsletter detailing the attacks on Station Jobs revealed in the leaked documents on LU 's 'Operational Strategy'.Through LU’s leaked Strategy Document, the RMT has obtained an important heads-up on LU’s ambitions, so we are better-placed to respond with our own strategy. Below you can read how, piece by piece, they intend to overhaul stations working.

SOS: Staff Our Stations campaign - update

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note a further meeting has been held between ourselves and our sister union TSSA to formulate a framework for developing a joint campaign over Staff Our Stations. The meeting was very constructive and a number of issues were discussed and agreed.

It was agreed to formulate a smaller sub-group to discuss issues in more detail. We therefore appoint a member of the General Secretary’s staff from the policy department to this group along with Council of Executives members Sister Janine Booth and Brother Peter March.

Political Report - Station Supervisors Transformed

Everything management do now is preparation to take us on, all of us, each grade, after the Olympics. Make no mistake, no stone will be left unturned as LUL aim to transform the job root and branch. As a previous leaked document revealed, they're making no bones about using the economic crisis to launch the attack.

This political report will explain the attacks, grade by grade, over five special issues, each fortnight.

Political Report - What Tube Bosses Plans Mean for Station Staff

Everything management do now is preparation to take us on, all of us, each grade, after the Olympics. Make no mistake, no stone will be left unturned as LUL aim to transform the job root and branch. As a previous leaked document revealed, they're making no bones about using the economic crisis to launch the attack.

This political report will explain the attacks, grade by grade, over five special issues, each fortnight.

Update: National 'SOS: Staff Our Stations' Campaign

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note that a meeting has recently been held with our sister union TSSA to formulate a joint campaign. We also note that letters of support have been received from the GMB union and the FBU who are both happy to support this campaign. We also note that a further meeting with TSSA, the General Grades Committee and Assistant General Secretary is to be held in Unity House on Thursday 10th November 2011.