LUL Trains

News, reports and information for London Underground train drivers


Pigeon Poo

pigeonYour Trains Health & Safety reps write ...

As LU's purse strings tighten we have noticed standards falling across the combine in regard to pigeon guano all over the place. The manager who carried out the water points survey across the combine has been tasked by the Trains Health & Safety Council to look at the worst offending areas; he is the new 'guano guy'.

Signal Maintainers' Strike: Urgent safety advice for Drivers


We need to advise you that RMT Signal maintainers working for the former Metronet will be taking industrial action for 24 hours starting from 06.45 on Friday 5th of February.

Their dispute is over the imposition of unagreed rosters that change Monday to Friday workers to compulsory weekends

This dispute could have serious implications for the safety of the service that LU will be offering for the duration of the industrial action.

Important Safety Information for Jubilee Line Drivers

1996stock Please find the following Important Safety Information from the Regional Organiser


Dear Colleagues,

We need to advise you that Jubilee Line train maintainers at Stratford Market Depot, Neasden and Stanmore will be taking industrial action for 24 hours from 19.29 hours on Wednesday 24th January. This will be repeated the following Sunday to Monday, and every Sunday/Monday for three months.

Their dispute is due to the fact that their Northern Line counterparts get paid considerably more money for doing the exact same job.

This dispute could have serious implications for the safety of the trains that will be offered for service during and following the industrial action.

Massive Yes Vote to defend Fitz and Joel!

RMT train driver members on the Bakerloo Line have returned a massive yes vote in the fight to defend 2 of our colleagues who were recently summarily dismissed. In a 50% turnout Elephant & Castle members voted a massive 10-1 in favour of strike action to defend Bro. Chambers and Queens Park returned a handsome 4-1 majority in defence of Bro. Miah. All Bakerloo drivers are urged to support the fight to reinstate both. There is a meeting on Thursday 14th January at 16:00 hours in the Clachan: nearest tube Oxford Cicus, to discuss what action we take next.

More staff cuts facing train side

RMT reps on the Trains Functional Council have been informed by London Underground bosses on plans to cut more staff on the train side. Bill O'Dowd reported "we have now had confirmation, that Management intend to remove Rostered Team Talk from new working Time Tables, this was revealed to us at the last TFC". The RMT objected to these further cuts to train grades staffing levels.

Resolution: Trains Representatives Numbers

This resolution was passed by the February Regional Council meeting.

This Regional Council instructs the Regional Organiser and the Trains Functional Council representatives to enter into negotiations with LUL to revise the numbers of local trains representatives. This revision to be in line with the documentation provided by TFC member Vaughan Thomas and discussed at the Train Grades meeting held on January 6th.

Supporting information: