
Still a minority in a tradtionally male-dominated industry, RMT women are organising against sexism and for our issues to be heard

Executive Equalities Report To London Transport Regional Council September 2012

From London Transport Region's Executive Member Janine Booth


RMT is running weekend courses at the Doncaster National Education Centre, as follows:
Women's training, 16-18 November and again in 2013
Black & Ethnic Minority training: early 2013
Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender training: mid 2013
The union also plans a week-long Equality At Work course.

RMT has developed a two-day Disability Awareness course, which will be offered to regions.


RMT Reaffirms Composition of Women's Advisory Committee

That after reviewing the number of women members we recommend to the Council of Executives that in the elections for this committee whose tenure will start from1st January 2013 until 31st December 2015 there will be one delegate per 150 women per Regional Council Area with a maximum of 5 delegates per Regional Council Area.

Equality Advisory Committees – Basis Of Elections

National Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Advisory Committee

In the absence of statistics as to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender membership, we reaffirm the existing basis of election to this Advisory Committee as up to five delegates per Regional Council area. This is to be reviewed prior to the next election in 2015.

Branches, Regional Councils and current members of our National Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Advisory Committee to be advised.

National Women’s Advisory Committee

Sindyanna Of Galilee Products Available From The RMT

Sindyanna is a women workers' cooperative in Galilee, Israel. Iyt is linked to the Workers' Advice Centre (WAC), a trade union project that unites Jewish and Arab workers and campaigns against the oppression of the Palestinian people.

The RMT's National Women's Conference, and our Annual general Meeting support the Sindyanna co-operative and we recommend members try out their products.

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow Discusses George Galloway's Comments on 'Bad Sexual Ettiquette'

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow has been interviewed on LBC radio by James Whale. Bob Crow is asked in the interview what he thinks of MP George Galloway's recent remarks on the Assange sex offense allegations. In his own podcast Galloway said:

Executive Meeting Discuss Equalities Advisory Committee Resolutions

Several resolutions from equality advisory committees have been discussed by the RMT's Council of Executives at its Statutory Meetings, June 2012. These include:

  • Relationship With The United Nations
  • Rmt Representation At Btuc Lgbt Conference - Gender Quotas
  • Venues Of Rmt Lgbt National Advisory Committee Meetings
  • National Black And Ethnic Minority Members Adivsory Committee Deputy
  • Role Of Local Black And Ethnic Minority Secretary
  • Liaison Officer Post
  • Police Brutality And Deaths At The Hands Of The Police
  • Police Corruption
  • Black And Ethnic Minority Executives

    continue reading to see the decisions made

Equalities Resolutions: Executive Decisions

The RMT Council Of Exectives have made decisions on the following equalities resolutions:

  • No to hate crime
  • Merchandise for women
  • RMT National Lgbt Advisory Committee
  • Aviation Industry Forced Gay Flight Attendant Into A Sham Marriage
  • Campaign For Equal Marriage
  • Gay Cure Adverts On Tfl Buses
  • Women's refuges - domestic violence policy

click read more to continue reading

National Women's Advisory Committee Posters & Badges To Be Produced Nationally

We welcome and support the resolution from the National Women's Advisory Committee. We instruct the General Secretary to produce the two posters and the badges in sufficient quantities for use in workplaces nationally, and to distribute them to all branches, Regional Councils, Regional Organisers and Regional Offices.

The resolution referred to is from the National Women's Advisory Committee, asking for the posters and badges produced by LT Region to be produced nationally.

RMT Women's Lunch

Station staff, drivers, engineers, cleaners, admin, underground and overground, full-time and part-time, ... RMT women from all over London met to discuss issues and campaigning plans over lunch on 3rd May. The event was a big success, and will soon be followed by an East End women’s history walk and picnic on Saturday 23rd June. More information from women@rmtlondoncalling.org.uk, or find our RMT Women group on Facebook.