
Still a minority in a tradtionally male-dominated industry, RMT women are organising against sexism and for our issues to be heard

Resolution to TUC Women's Conference - Women's Rights in Afghanistan

RMT's Council of Executives has agreed to submit the following resolution to TUC Women's Conference 2012:

With the announcement that peace talks with the Taliban are contemplated, women’s rights have apparently been forgotten. The treatment of women by the Taliban government was a contravention of their human rights.

RMT Women's Training Course

RMT London Transport region is running a 2-day course for women RMT representatives and RMT women who want to get more active in the union.

  • DATES - two Tuesdays : 17th and 31st January 2012
  • TIME - 9.30am – 4.30pm
  • PLACE - WEA Learning Centre, 96 – 100 Clifton Street, London EC2A 4TP

We are running the course in conjunction with the Workers' Educational Association, accredited by the TUC.

No to hate crime campaign

The following resolution submitted by TFL No1 Branch was carried unanimously at the October 27th meeting of the Regional Council.

No to hate crime campaign 17-24-30.org are a non-profit making organisation that have been running vigils in Trafalgar square in October for the last two years. They are currently going through the process to achieve charitable trust status.

This region notes the importance of a collective stand against all forms of hate crime and the hard work done by 17-24-30.org to date.

This region resolves publicise the 17-24-30.org and the affiliation form.

TUC Women And Health & Safety Course

This course is for all reps who would like an opportunity to look at women’s health and safety issues in the workplace.

It will run for 3 consecutive Tuesdays; 1st, 8th and 15th November 2011, 9.30a.m - 4.30p.m at WEA Trade Union Learning Centre, 96 – 100 Clifton Street, London EC2A 4TP. (Map.)

The centre is a short walk from Old Street, Moorgate and Liverpool Street tube stations, Shoreditch stations and on lots of bus routes.

RMT to Campaign Against Violence Against Women

Council of Executives decision:

That we fully support the resolution and note our support and affiliation to End Violence Against Women campaign. We instruct the General Secretary to bring to the Equal Rights Sub-Committee a model policy for our Lead Officers to obtain nationwide.

Further, a suitable article for RMT News be drafted by EVAW concentrating on our members' experiences. Reference should be made in the article to the experiences mentioned in the AGM debate and also to the impact of the cuts on women's refuges.

RMT to Fight Affect of Cuts on Women

Council of Executives decision:

That we note the resolution and agree to donate £100 to both the Merseyside Women Against the Cuts and London Women Against the Cuts.

An article is to be placed in RMT News and write to women on the NWAC asking if they are aware of such campaigns. In addition, the latest TUC briefing on this is to be sent and placed on our website, along with this resolution.

Free Showing of 'Made in Dagenham'

The WEA is to hold a free showing of the film 'made in Dagenham.'

The event will include speakers from the TUC, and refreshments will be available.

The evening will take place at the WEA region Learning Center, 96-100 Clifton road, london, EC2A 4TP on the 21st of July at 6pm.

For more details, please see the attached leaflet.