
Still a minority in a tradtionally male-dominated industry, RMT women are organising against sexism and for our issues to be heard

London Underground Job Cuts Deepen Inequalities

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the report on the equality strand of the review of London Underground’s OSP (job cuts). We endorse the detailed critique of the job cuts’ impact on equalities, which can be found on file. This critique highlights that London Underground:

  • calculates station staffing levels without considering the needs of equality groups
  • uses methods for collecting information, categorising passenger journeys and assessing data which are deeply flawed and fail to account for equality issues

LU Organisational Strategic Plan (OSP) Equality Review

Report to RMT stations representatives from Janine Booth


  • London Underground does not consider the needs of equalities groups when calculating its station staffing levels.
  • LU's methods for collecting information, categorising passenger journeys and assessing data are deeply flawed and fail to account for equality issues.
  • LU did not carry out an adequate Equality Impact Assessment before going ahead with the OSP, despite being obliged by law to do so. The revisions it has made to the EqIA since then are minor and wholly inadequate.

National Women’s Advisory Committee Meeting – 18th May 2011

Branches and Regional Councils are invited to submit items for consideration at the above meeting. Such items should deal solely with matters affecting female members and must not seek to determine Union policy. I would point out that the Committee cannot authorise the progression of claims. Branches submitting items for the agenda must inform their Regional Council of the content.

Branches and Regional Councils are reminded that observers are also welcome to attend the Advisory Committee, although expenses cannot be paid in this regard.

RMT London Taxis Branch Press Release April 2011…

The RMT London Taxi Branch will be demonstrating/picketing outside the offices of Transport for London, Windsor House, Victoria Street SW1 at 11am on the 11th April 2011 over the disturbing and worrying rise in reported rapes/sexual assaults of women in London.

  • In the year 2009 140 sexual assaults were reported in “bogus” or unlicensed mini-cabs.
  • Of the 140 reported sexual assaults 24 were actual rapes.
  • When compared to 2008 figures this represents a rise of 53%

Report: RMT Women's Conference 2011

Report from Val Barzey, delegate from LU Engineering branch:

Tim Wilkinson - Gloucester Branch welcomed the guests to Cheltenham Spa.

Bob Crow - General Secretary

  • The Court of Appeal has handed down its decision today (4 March) in NURMT v Serco & combined cases, in which it overturned injunctions against strikes in both the RMT and ASLEF cases.
  • Some aims of the RMT is to have a high denser of membership, increase in educational activities and fill all positions for reps and branches.

Urgent appeal: Jailed woman trade union leader in Bangladesh

From LabourStart ...

It has now been more than five weeks since the illegal arrest of Moshrefa Mishu, President of the Garment Workers Unity Forum in Bangladesh (pictured).

There was no warrant for her arrest at the time that heavily-armed plainclothes officers took her off to jail, where she remains - in poor health and badly treated.

Her real crime was leading a protest campaign to demand the implementation of the legal minimum wage.

RMT Objects as London Underground Claims Staff Cuts Benefit Elderly, Disabled and Other Passengers

As a public body, London Underground has to carry out an assessment of the impact of any new policy on various equality issues. The attached file is LU's Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) for its current OSP (policy of cutting 800 mainly-stations jobs). Below is the response to this document that I have written on behalf of RMT. You will see from this that LU's EQIA falls woefully short, and ignores key equality issues.

RMT Women's Lunch

Venue: The Old Star, opposite St. James Park station (Park / Broadway exit) 12-4pm - drop in at any time

All RMT women are welcome to join us for an informal lunch. This is your opportunity to meet other women members in a friendly setting and discuss any issues which matter to you as a female transport worker.

So, what's on your mind? Job cuts? Management bullying? Discrimination? Working in a male-dominated industry? Balancing work and family responsibilities? Sexual harassment? Sexist comments? Pregnancy? Health and safety? Menopause? Safe travel to and from work?