
Still a minority in a tradtionally male-dominated industry, RMT women are organising against sexism and for our issues to be heard

RMT Women's Lunch

Venue: The Old Star, opposite St. James Park station (Park / Broadway exit) 12-4pm - drop in at any time

All RMT women are welcome to join us for an informal lunch. This is your opportunity to meet other women members in a friendly setting and discuss any issues which matter to you as a female transport worker.

So, what's on your mind? Job cuts? Management bullying? Discrimination? Working in a male-dominated industry? Balancing work and family responsibilities? Sexual harassment? Sexist comments? Pregnancy? Health and safety? Menopause? Safe travel to and from work?

London Underground: Male/Female Passenger Percentages

RMT has obtained the following statistics showing how what proportion of London Underground's passengers are male and female:

  • Commuters (59.7%): 59.14 % male / 40.86% female
  • Leisure (35.8%): 54.36% male / 45.64% female
  • Tourists (04.5%): 56.44% male / 43.56% female
  • Total (100%): 57.31% male / 42.69% female

These figures show that significantly more men travel on London Underground than women, which reflects a continuing gender division and inequality in our society.

Workshop: Writing Resolutions for RMT Equalities Conferences

Venue: Unity House

Within the next few months, RMT will hold conferences for young members, women members, black and ethnic minority members, and lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender members.

Members put issues on the agendas of these conferences by getting their branch to submit a resolution. But that can be a bit daunting, so the Regional Council is holding a workshop on how to write resolutions. We will discuss the issues that these groups of members face at work and in wider society, and learn the practicalities of putting it down on paper as a resolution.

RMT AGM: Questioning the General Secretary's Report

Refusal to work on the grounds of safety - rights for pregnant women and new mothers

At RMT's AGM, the General Secretary presents a written report, and delegates can question and comment on it. These are the two points that I raised:


There are two issues that are not in the Report, which I think should have been.


Firstly, refusal to work on the grounds of safety.

General Secretary's Report: Women's Issues

This is the section of the General Secretary's report to RMT's 2009 AGM concerning the the union's work on women workers' issues ...

Pregnant Women and Nursing Mothers - Rest Facilities

The lack of suitable rest facilities for pregnant women and nursing mothers was fully aired during the debate at last year's AGM. As a result of the resolution carried, I wrote to all lead officers instructing them to raise the points of the resolution to ensure all companies are complying with their legal obligations under health and safety laws.

Report: RMT Women's Conference

RMT regional women's officer Carol Foster reports from the recent national RMT Women's Conference ...

People often ask me ‘why do we need a women’s conference?’

Why indeed? As I write, the Met Police have let a second rapist go; it seems that the Home Office targets place a higher priority on property crime than on sex offences.

The RMT national Women’s Conference met @ The Royal Station Hotel in Newcastle on 6th & 7th March 2009. As ever plenty of lively debate.

There was a talk by Etienne Attala from Thompsons on flexible working & Age Discrimination.