
Still a minority in a tradtionally male-dominated industry, RMT women are organising against sexism and for our issues to be heard

Unions Oppose TfL Attempt to Divide Equalities

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the documentation on file regarding TfL’s proposal to divide its Equality and Inclusion team into two parts, one for staff issues and one for service delivery. We endorse the objections that staff side have raised to this proposal. We further believe that this division inaccurately implies a significant difference between equalities issues facing workers and those facing passengers, whereas workers and passengers share similar a interest in an accessible, non-discriminatory transport system.

RMT Makes International Women's Day Commitment to Tackling Sexism and Inequality

On International Women's Day, rail, maritime and transport union RMT is reaffirming its commitment to tackling sexism and inequality, and warning that the Government's plans for the railways could spell disaster for women passengers and workers.

International Women's Day began in 1911, as a day of protests in support of rights for working-class women. This year, it coincides with the Government's publication of its response to the McNulty report.

RMT Demands Support for Domestic Violence Victims

RMT Council of Executives decision:

We note the domestic violence policy on file from ‘One’. While it is positive that this company has a policy on this issue, and it has some good content, a model policy would include several improvements. In particular, a model policy would include specific commitments that:

  • there will be no action under MFA/Attendance policies against staff absent due to domestic violence
  • special leave for escaping domestic violence should be paid

RMT Demands Employers Adopt Domestic Violence Policy

We note the domestic violence policy on file from ‘One’. While it is positive that this company has a policy on this issue, and it has some good content, a model policy would include several improvements. In particular, a model policy would include specific commitments that:

  • there will be no action under MFA/Attendance policies against staff absent due to domestic violence
  • special leave for escaping domestic violence should be paid
  • paid special leave should also be given for appointments etc, and that this is preferable to rearrangement of shifts

Results Of RMT Survey Of Women Members: Sexism In The Transport Sector

What actions do you think would help get rid of the sexist culture in your work place?

  • Awareness of what is/what is not acceptable.
  • Definitely more awareness training. More women in senior positions.
  • It's mostly the over 50's in the workplace as they are still stuck in the 1960's era!!
  • Have women on the board of directors would be nice!
  • There is a culture that says if you're not one of the "lads" i.e. Drink, swear or object to any discrimination you're attacked.

    Click read more to see more responses.