
Still a minority in a tradtionally male-dominated industry, RMT women are organising against sexism and for our issues to be heard

Delegate's report from TUC Women's Conference

Becky Crocker, our regional Young Members' Officer, was an RMT delegate to the recent TUC Women's Conference. She wrote this report for the socialist newspaper Solidarity. We nicked it from their website, here!

This conference opened my eyes to a different side of the labour movement. Among the 250 delegates, there were some militant trade unionists, but their voice was drowned out by the overwhelming conservatism.

Women's Newsletter: Vote Yes!

The new issue of our regional women's newsletter urges women to vote Yes in the industrial action ballot. It also includes an article on domestic violence, some useful contacts, and news of events past and future.

Click '1 attachment' / file name to download it.

Resolution: Human Trafficking

This resolution, submitted by Swansea No. 1 Branch, was passed unanimously by RMT Women's Conference. It will now be submitted to RMT's 2009 Annual General Meeting.

That this Conference believes that Human Trafficking is a scandalous violation of human dignity.

In the UK the abolition of the Slave Trade Act was passed on 25th March 1807. Two hundred years later there are still slaves in Britain.

Resolution: Women in Israel and Gaza

This resolution, submitted by Camden No. 3 Branch, was passed by RMT Women's Conference 2009.

That this Conference mourns the deaths of over 1,000 Palestinians during Israel's brutal assault on Gaza in December and January, including hundreds of women and children.

While not condoning rocket attacks on Israeli civilians, or the regressive and sexist policies of Hamas, we unreservedly condemn Israel's actions in carrying out this attack, and its siege of Gaza.

Resolution: Women and the Economic Crisis

This resolution, submitted by Camden No. 3 Branch, was passed unanimiously by RMT Women's Conference 2009.

That this Conference notes that the economic crisis will hit working class women hard.

We note that within our industry, redundancies are already planned in administrative grades, dominated by women and are likely in the subcontracted jobs like cleaning, also dominated by women.

Women predominantly occupy the lowest paid grades in our industry, and are therefore vulnerable to the poverty inflicted by the economic crisis.

Resolution: Women and War

This resolution, submitted by Camden No. 3 Branch, was passed by RMT Women's Conference 2009.

That this Conference believes that all organisations engaged in assisting women victims of war (including rape and violence against women) should join together with a view to organising a day as a counterpoint to WW1 Armistice day in November.

These organisations should arrange and take part in a ceremony that would symbolize the suffering of women in conflict at the women’s memorial in Whitehall.