Defending and improving conditions

Campaigning for better working conditions

RMT members to strike on DLR on New Year’s Eve over breakdown in industrial relations

RMT cleaners, security staff and travel safe officers on Docklands Light Railway will be taking strike action on New Year’s Eve over a comprehensive breakdown in industrial relations. The workers are employed by contractor ISS on the KAD contract.

The dispute has arisen over the failure to hold meaningful pay talks or provide a proper response to the union’s pay claim and the failure to resolve long standing issues.

RMT members working for ISS (KAD Contract) are instructed to not to book on for any turns of duty that commence between:-

TOPRA change is attack on junior drivers

We note the report from our London Transport Regional Council regarding the  recently changes to the TOPRA/TOSCA agreements; which clearly amount to an attack on our more recently employed Driver Members and the introduction of a discriminatory two tier approach for addressing SPADs.

We instruct the General Secretary to run a campaign of information on this issue, additionally to call a meeting of all train representatives consulting them on all
approaches up to and including the potential of a ballot for industrial actions.

RMT asks management to reconsider offer to leapfrogged Night Tube drivers


Today the RMT and ASLEF met with Management concerning the leap-frogged drivers situation.

Management put a proposal that all 23 affected leap-frogged drivers would receive a days pay for every week that they were leap-frogged.

Management said that this was a "gratis payment" as the leap-frogged drivers did not work full-time during this period and it would be unfair to pay them for work that they never did.

Strike ballot called over Christmas working arrangements

We note the resolution from our LU Engineering Branch regarding the appalling treatment of our members in Asset Operations when it comes to recognising the severe impact that Christmas working has on family life.

We also note that payments are available for all or part of this period in other areas such as Major Projects, Tube Lines and for Train Drivers and this NEC agree with our branches demand at least parity and recognition for working these days.