Defending and improving conditions

Campaigning for better working conditions

Meeting called to discuss TUPE transfer of workers from Tube Lines to London Underground

PROPOSED TUPE TRANSFER OF AP JNP FROM TUBE LINES TO LONDON UNDERGROUND LTD (formerly Termination of Amey Maintenance Contract – Tube Lines AP JNP)

We note the correspondence from the company dated 14th September 2017 and instruct the General Secretary to place a report before this NEC.

Further, we instruct the General Secretary to arrange a meeting of all infrastructure, maintenance and engineering reps from London Underground BCV, SSL and JNP AP with the Lead Officer, Senior Assistant General Secretary and NEC members.

RMT Upfront September 2017

RMT Upfront is the newsletter for Tube drivers from the RMT.

In this edition which focuses on the current dispute:

  • RMT pursues resolution in pay dispute 
  • A four day week at what cost? 
  • Trains Grades meeting 
  • 4 Day 36 Hour Week
  • Pro rata working  arrangements 
  • Weekend working 
  • Career development 

Please distribute the newsletter in your depot or share it online.

Rescheduled: Trainside dispute feedback meeting

To all Local and Functional Train Operator Representatives

And  LUL Branches


Dear Colleagues


Please be advised that a report-back meeting has been arranged following the recent talks at ACAS. This report will be given by myself and your National Executive Committee Representative, Andy Littlechild.

This will take place in the Boardroom, Unity House at 10.00 sharp on Friday 22nd September,

London Cycle Hire pay and conditions offer to be put to members


We congratulate the Lead Officer, Reps and Camden 3 Branch for securing an improved pay offer from the company to the backdrop of a major reorganisation.

The following offer has been tabled by the company:

An increase of 2.5%, effective 1st April 2017 and a commitment to enter into talks in October 2017 on reducing the working week from 40 to 35 hours without loss of pay.

Work life balance dispute ACAS update

Your union RMT entered into dispute yesterday over management's failure to adhere to agreements made in the last pay deal.

These are as follows:
- Failure to allow a referendum on the 4 Day trail on the Jubilee line when it finishes in September.
- Failure to introduce a range of pro rota working arrangements to enhance T/ops work life balance.
- Failure to give your Union assurances in regard to no increases in Weekend working for existing T/ops.

Talks are ongoing at ACAS and your Union will update you on any developments,

RMT rejects derisory TfL pay offer

TfL logo and building

We note the report from our Lead Officer and reject the derisory offer from the company which too is offered under the ‘Pay for Performance’ arrangements which are not agreed to by this union.

We also note the resolve of our TfL No.1 Branch and Reps in their steadfast position in these pay negotiations on behalf of our Members.

We instruct the General Secretary to write to the company requesting that they provide full responses to the 12 demands put to them formally by our Lead Officer during the negotiations process.

Members to be advised by email and text.