Defending and improving conditions

Campaigning for better working conditions

Christmas And New Year Payment And Leave Arrangements 2012/13 – London Underground

We note the report from our Regional Organiser and the responses from our representatives, expressing dissatisfaction with the company’s position. Accordingly, we instruct the General Secretary to seek talks with London Underground Ltd on this matter, and to place any developments in front of us.

London Transport Regional Council and branches to be advised.

National Strategy For Justice For Cleaners In The Transport Industry

We note correspondence from our cleaning grade secretary requesting that following the transfer of cleaning members on London Underground to Vinci, we pursue a dispute on this contract.

We therefore instruct the General Secretary to urgently convene a meeting of our representatives on the Vinci contract to discuss how to progress this. A report of this meeting is to be placed in front of us as soon as is practical.

London Transport Regional Council and branches to be advised.

Strategy Proposal For Fighting Job Cuts And Attacks On Tube Driver Conditions

As I understand it, the main current issues facing drivers are:

  • a clampdown on discipline and attendance
  • LUL refusing to confirm that Met line T/Ops only will operate the S7 train on the Met line
  • plans to deploy I/Ops on lines other than their own and/or to cross-train other lines' T/Ops or
    I/Os as occurred on the Met line
  • new drivers being repeatedly moved from depot to depot
  • the possible development of a pool of drivers covering a larger area than just one depot, or
    even one line

RMT Rejects TFL Pay Offer For 2012:

We note the views of our TfL no.1 branch on the pay offer from Transport for London.

We affirm the branch’s view that RMT should not accept TfL's pay offer. We do not support Performance-Related Pay, and we will not endorse part of our members' pay rise in the second year of this deal being conditional on us accepting a PRP policy that we have not even seen yet.

RMT is disappointed that other unions have accepted the offer and not taken up our request to pursue our concerns.

RMT Against Boxing Day 'Annual Leave Sale' For Tube Drivers

We note the correspondence from London Underground Ltd concerning Boxing Day working arrangements for drivers. We strongly oppose the company’s position, as it seeks to establish the principle of drivers being able to, in effect, sell their annual leave entitlement.

We instruct the General Secretary to obtain a report on the views of our trains representatives concerning ASLEF’s dispute with LUL on Boxing Day working.

London Transport Regional Council and branches to be advised.

Carlisle Security Agree To Lengthen Strike Mandate As Discussion Continues

We note the report from our lead officer. The employer has indicated that it will agree to extend the deadline for calling industrial action by seven days, but has not yet sent the correct wording for this.

Should the correct wording be received from the employer, we instruct the General Secretary to place this item back in front of us within seven days, with a report of the meeting with the employer due to take place this Thursday, 15 November.

Should the correct wording not be received from the employer by Wednesday 14 November, we call industrial action as follows:

Strike Suspended As Carlisle Agrees To Extend DLR Strike Mandate By Seven Days As Talks Continue

From General Secretary Bob Crow
Branches will be aware that we have been in dispute with Carlisle in our campaign to seek drastic improvements to pay and conditions of our Security and Cleaning staff working on the DLR contract. This matter has been discussed by the General Grades Committee and the following decision has been taken: -

“We note the report from our lead officer. The employer has indicated that it will agree to extend the deadline for calling industrial action by seven days, but has not yet sent the correct wording for this.

Executive Decision On CSS Bonus Payments To Members Transferred To TFL Under 'Project Horizon'

From General Secretary Bob Crow

Branches are advised that correspondence has been received concerning TFL’s failure to pay the CSS (Customer Satisfaction Survey) bonus to staff that had transferred from LUL to TfL under Project Horizon. This matter has now been considered by the General Grades Committee which has made the following decision:-