Defending and improving conditions

Campaigning for better working conditions

Directions For Reps Regarding Breach Of Procedure At London Underground 'Case Conferences'

We note the resolution from our London Transport Regional Council and share our Regional Council’s concerns.

We instruct our London Underground representatives to not take part in case conferences where there is a breach of procedure and the Employing Manager is not present.

APD Stations Group Power and Electrical Department To Take Industrial Action

We are seriously concerned that this [change to shifts] ...could lead to members working more days or longer hours. - Bob Crow

From General Secretary Bob CrowFrom General Secretary Bob Crow

It has been brought to our attention that London Underground are in breach of the spirit of our Olympic Agreement in terms of the rostering arrangements within the APD Stations Group Power and Electrical Department.

Having consulted with the local branch and representatives, the General Grades Committee has decided to call our members who work as Electricians, Senior Technicians, Team Leaders and Work Controllers within the APD Stations Group Power and Electrical Department to take the following industrial action short of a strike.

Not to work any overtime from 06.00 hours on Friday 7th September 2012 until 23.59 hours on Sunday 9th September 2012

RMT View Initial's Plans For Fingerprinting Workers As An Attack On Civil Liberties And A Tool For Victimisation

We note the reply from Initial, that this is a group wide initiative from Initial Facilities to implement the Kronos Time and Attendance System into all contracts by end of 2012, with both biometric and telephone systems in operation. We also note the views of our representatives, who strongly oppose this move, rightly seeing it as an attack on their civil liberties and a weapon for management to use to victimise our members.

We therefore instruct the General Secretary to:
1. Urgently contact Initial management demanding a meeting to discuss our objections.

RMT Pushes For Adequate Time For Consultation On LU Uniform Committee Discussions

We note that our representatives are currently released from work only for the actual date of the quarterly meeting of London Underground’s Uniform Consultative Committee, giving them no time to properly prepare, consult and report back.

We instruct the General Secretary to request from London Underground Ltd that it release our Uniform Consultative Committee representatives for one day prior to the agenda deadline for the meeting to consult and prepare, and one day to report back. Developments are to be placed in front of us.

Tube Lines Pensions Dispute Continues

We note the report from our lead officer and the views of our representatives that there is strong support to take action in pursuit of this dispute following the Olympics. In line with these views, we intend to call targeted, serious, sustained, effective and strategically-planned action, to include both strikes and action short of strike.

Review Of Disciplinary And Grievance Procedure – London Underground

We note the resolution from our London Transport Regional Council, and the proof that has emerged
that People Management Advice Specialists (PMAs) have interfered in the issuing of disciplinary
sanctions against our members employed by London Underground Ltd in breach of the LUL
disciplinary procedure and of natural justice.

Accordingly, we instruct the General Secretary to provide all appropriate support in the particular case
referred to, and to write immediately to London Underground Ltd demanding:

LU Olympics Disputes Explained - Casualisation and Cleaners dispute

Olympic Working Dispute

RMT and London Underground have an agreement regarding Olympics working. We are committed to sticking to this agreement, but have had reason to be concerned that management may not do so. We have therefore taken the step of calling 'action short of strikes' in the form of an instruction not to work outside your job description.

Olympic Special Stations And Revenue Newsletter

The deal secured by your union guarantees the existing protection of the framework agreement. The RMT alone argued that we were already being asked to work hard enough without selling any hard won protection for a few quid. If you feel that you have been asked to work outside of this agreement or been treated unfavourably then advise your local RMT rep who will take it up immediately . Remember that the framework agreement is there for a reason, it protects our safety, welfare and future at work.You have a right and a responsibility to refuse any duty which breaks that agreement. Only a fool breaks the twelve hour rule.

...continue reading or download the newsletter below.

The Agency Workers Regulations And The Swedish Derogation

According to the TUC, the Swedish Derogation is: “an option written into the EU Temporary Agency Work Directive that allows member States to insert a provision into their transposing legislation that says that where an agency worker is directly employed by an agency they are not protected by the equal treatment provisions in the Directive. The UK Regulations, which come into force in October, make use of the “Swedish” derogation.

Cleaners Strike Posters

Posters have been created for the upcoming cleaners strike.

Please place them in union noticeboards and distribute them as appropriate. You can download them both via the attachments below.

Read More about the cleaners struggle for a London Living Wage here.