Defending and improving conditions

Campaigning for better working conditions

RMT Secures £680 Olympics Payment, Pay Increases And Harmonisation Upgrades For Rail Signalling Contractors

PLANNED INDUSTRIAL action at signalling technology contractor Thales has been halted as a result of a massive breakthrough on pay, harmonisation and Olympics payments secured by RMT negotiators on the back of a 95% vote for action amongst the members.

Following the overwhelming mandate for strike action RMT has now secured agreements covering harmonisation, pay, shift allowances and Olympics payments of up to £680.

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said:

Olympic Recognition And Reward TfL (LU) And London Underground’s Breaches Of Casualisation Dispute Settlement

"RMT members are instructed not to co-operate in any way with the counting of Incident Customer Service Assistants (ICSAs) towards the minimum number of staff on duty" - Bob Crow

From RMT General Secretary Bob Crow

I write to advise members that following the closing of both ballots for industrial action short of a strike the General Grades Committee has considered the situation and decided to call the following industrial action.

Olympic Recognition and Reward Dispute

Despite reaching agreement over the Olympic payment arrangements we continue to have problems with the implementation of the agreement. Therefore all LUL members are instructed to take the following industrial action short of a strike.

Carlisle Cleaning And Security Workers On The Docklands Light Railway Give Massive Mandate For Industrial Action

That we note the result of the ballots for both strikes and action short of strikes is as follows:-

Total votes cast 32
Number voting “Yes” 31 (96.9% of valid vote)
Number voting “No” 1
Spoilt Papers 0

ISS Cleaners Show Determination To Fight For Better Pay And Conditions As Over 95% Vote Yes For Industrial Action

That we note the result of the ballot for strikes and action short of strikes are both as

Total votes cast 43
Number voting “Yes” 40 (95.2% of valid vote)
Number voting “No” 2
Spoilt Papers 1

Super Exploited Initial Cleaner Members Vote By Over 95% To Strike For Better Pay And Conditions

That we note the result of the ballot for strikes is as follows:-

Total votes cast 175
Number voting “Yes” 168 (96% of valid vote)
Number voting “No” 7
Spoilt Papers 0

That we note the result of the ballot for action short of strikes is as follows:-

London Overground Staff Get Provision For Taxis To And From Work On Extreme Shifts

We note the report from our Regional Organiser, and endorse the agreement reached, providing for taxis to and from home for staff working extreme duties who are unable to use a direct public transport route.

We congratulate our negotiators for achieving this agreement, and instruct the General Secretary to obtain a report summarising the staff travel policies of all London Transport employers.

London and Anglia and London Transport Regional Councils, and relevant branches, to be advised.

RMT Ends Dispute With MJ Quinn Following Olympic Bonus And Pay Increment, Whilst Telent Dispute Suspended For Further Talks

We note the resolutions from our LU Engineering branch, and in line with these, we instruct the General Secretary to:

  • advise MJ Quinn that following its Olympic bonus, pay increment and relaxation of
    leave restriction, we are no longer in dispute with the company on this contract
  • cancel the ballot of our members on this MJ Quinn contract
  • advise our members of this decision
  • keep our ballot of our members on Telent in suspension
  • place in front of us reports on further talks with Telent and reports from our branch as
    to members’ views

RMT Platform June 2012

In June's edition:

  • RMT Stands Up For Agency Staff on LU Stations
  • Your Station and Revenue Grades Committee
  • ICSAs: Vote ‘Yes’ for Safety and Job Security!
  • Stick Within the Framework!
  • Wheelchair Ramps
  • Assisting Passengers With Luggage