Defending and improving conditions

Campaigning for better working conditions

TFL Ballot And LUL Dispute Over Olympics

RMT to ballot for action on TFL over Olympics ban on staff leave and declares dispute with London Underground over Olympics payments

TRANSPORT UNION RMT confirmed today that it is to ballot for industrial action on TFL over a ban on staff leave for the duration of the Olympics and has also declared a formal dispute with London Underground over a failure to reach an agreement on Olympics recognition and reward payments for all LU staff.

RMTV: Message to London Underground Train Operators

The RMT have published a video explaining why the RMT is the best union for London Underground train drivers.

"From the minute I book on, the tracks that I run over, the trains that I drive, the signals that I work under, even so far as the food that I eat: If I know that those people are part of a strong union, I know that their welfare is being looked after as well as mine. If their welfare is looked after I can rest assured that they are working in a safe environment and their going to provide a professional service" - RMT Train Operator, Picaddilly Line.

RMT Launches Vulnerable Workers Website

The RMT has launched a website for vulnerable workers.

Vulnerable workers are, according to the Trades Union Congress, people working in an environment where the risk of being denied employment rights is high, and who do not have the capacity or means to protect themselves from abuse.

In 2010 RMT conducted a survey through its magazine, RMT News, to identify where there were vulnerable workers in the transport sector and the problems they face.

RMTv Video: Vulnerable Workers Conference

The RMT have released a video explaining the recent conference to investigate and defend the needs of vulnerable workers.

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said before the conference for vulnerable workers "All of us in the union are familiar with the precarious nature of employment at the present time and the many reasons that engender a real sense of vulnerability amongst workers generally across the UK. It is also fair to say that some workers in the industries that we seek to organise are especially vulnerable and need particular support and assistance from a Trade Union like the RMT and it is important that all our officials and members understand the issues vulnerable workers"

The RMT Vulnerable Workers project has produced this short film to raise awareness of the issues faced by vulnerable workers. For more information visit

Cleaners Demonstration At City Hall

Cleaning industry Bosses at Initial, one of the biggest companies on London Underground are asking low paid Cleaners to pay for the London Living Wage (LLW) with the removal of promotional opportunities by trying to get rid of the Supervisor Grades this way ensuring Cleaners cannot get any improvement in their conditions by having some hope of moving from the lowest grade in our industry.

Cleaners Demonstration At TfL Head Office

Cleaning industry Bosses at Initial, one of the biggest companies on London Underground are asking low paid Cleaners to pay for the London Living Wage (LLW) with the removal of promotional opportunities by trying to get rid of the Supervisor Grades this way ensuring Cleaners cannot get any improvement in their conditions by having some hope of moving from the lowest grade in our industry.

RMT Slams Cable Attack On Workers’ Rights And Warns That Government Is Planning Huge Increase In Social Dumping To Drive Down Pay And Conditions

TRANSPORT UNION RMT today slammed Vince Cables attack on workers’ rights and warned that as well as opening the door to a vicious “hire and fire” culture he is also giving a green light to a massive increase in social dumping that will allow companies to hire in workers from abroad to undermine pay and conditions.

RMT Organises Cleaners to Win Better Pay and Conditions

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the report from our Regional Organiser, that Initial is paying the London Living Wage to cleaners, but has not met any other demands in our pay and conditions claims. This leaves these cleaners among the most exploited workers in London, working for disgracefully low pay, and without the sick pay, pensions and other benefits enjoyed by other workers.

RMT Register Disagreement With London Underground Over 'Olympic Recognition And Reward'

From General Secretary Bob Crow

I write to advise you that despite London Underground announcing yesterday that a deal has been reached for Train Drivers during the Olympic Games period, RMT has not agreed to this deal; and as such your RMT Representatives’ registered a failure to agree at the Trains Functional Council meeting. I can confirm that RMT reject this deal.