Defending and improving conditions

Campaigning for better working conditions

Your Rights Should Transfer With You

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the report from our Regional Organiser. As staff transfer from the employment of London Underground Ltd to TfL, management are refusing to accept that policies and procedures transfer with them under TUPE. This will lead to a weakening of our members’ rights, exactly the situation that the TUPE regulations purport to prevent.

Transfer: Carillion to TfL

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the legal advice regarding the problems that our Regional Organiser has experienced in obtaining information about this transfer. As recommended by our legal advisor, we instruct the General Secretary to make a formal request for disclosure of the minutes of all relevant meetings leading up to transfer. We also instruct the General Secretary to obtain from the Regional Organiser a report of any outstanding issues about which our members feel aggrieved.

RMT Pursues Issue of 'Command and Control Review'

General Grades Committee decision:

We note the correspondence from London Underground. We now have a little more information on this matter than previously, and note that the physical moves of the affected functions will not now commence until after the 2012 Olympic Games.

We note that discussion will take place at Service Control Functional and Health & Safety Councils this month. We instruct the General Secretary to:

Stations Framework Agreement Version 22A Re-Instated

As you are aware management attempted to impose Version 24 of the Stations Framework Agreement even though it had not been fully agreed or ratified by the RMT
At the Stations Functional Council meeting on Wednesday 8th June managenment agreed to withdraw version 24 and re-instate version 22A of the Framework Agreement.

We Won’t Sit Back And Watch Jobs And Services Destroyed Say RMT

Commenting on Vince Cable’s threat to make Britain’s already draconian anti-union laws even more repressive, RMT general secretary Bob Crow said today:

“Cable is effectively telling us that the right to strike is something we can have only if we choose not to use it.

He is trying to come across as the nice cop of the ConDem coalition, but the truth is that he wants us to sit back and watch as his government destroys our jobs and wrecks our services.

DLR: Bike Storage and Showers

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the response from Serco Docklands [telling us what facilities they have for bike storage and showers]. We instruct the General Secretary to write to our branch asking whether members believe that these provisions are adequate. The response to be placed in front of us.

London Underground: RMT Secures Return of Uniform Cleaning Vouchers

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note that London Underground has agreed to our request to reinstate uniform cleaning vouchers. We instruct the General Secretary to inform London Underground of our acceptance of this; ask the company to restore the vouchers as soon as possible; and ask the company for a list of outlets which accept the vouchers. The company’s reply is to be placed back in front of us.

We further instruct the General Secretary to advise all London Underground members of:

  • our success in achieving the reinstatement of uniform cleaning vouchers

Alstom-Metro Tube train maintenance staff to stage second strike over pay

NEARLY 200 Alstom-Metro train-maintenance workers at depots on London Underground’s Jubilee and Northern lines are to strike again next week over pay and conditions in a concerted bid to force the wealthy company to improve its “insulting” sub-inflation pay offer.

RMT members at the two depots will begin their second 24-hour strike at 19:00 on Monday October 4, with further action scheduled for the same time on Wednesday November 3, and Monday November 29.