RMT official circulars

Circulars from RMT head office about issues in our region

LU Job Cuts - Health and Safety Confidential Reporting Line

The circular below is from Bob Crow, RMT General Secretary. Please use the reporting line he outlines to tell the union about any incidents at work which concern you, or which illustrate the effect of the OSP job cuts. Perhaps you are station staff and want to report assault or abuse from passengers unhappy with the reduced service, or a station evacuation that took too long because of under-staffing, or your station having too few staff available to give adequate help to a disabled or vulnerable passenger.

High Court Injunction Against DLR Strike

From Bob Crow, RMT General Secretary:

I write to advise branches that last week the High Court granted Serco Docklands an injunction preventing RMT from organising a 48 hour strike on the Docklands Light Railway. Yet again an employer has run to a High Court Judge to use the Anti trade union laws to ignore the democratic will of members. This decision has ramifications not just for RMT but across the whole Trade Union Movement and is the latest of a long line of high court decisions against trade unions.


I write to advise members that a joint meeting of RMT and TSSA was held on Wednesday 19th January 2011 to discuss the current job cuts dispute. It was agreed that we continue to take part in the ongoing review process and we will advise you of developments when the work of the reviews become clearer.

Bob Crow
General Secretary

Rates of Pay & Conditions of Service 2010: London Overground Rail Operations Ltd

RMT official circular

Following our acceptance of the Company’s pay offer in April 2010, a supplementary offer was tabled by the Company for Station Grades. This has now been considered by the General Grades Committee that has taken the following decision:-

“That we note the report from the Regional Organiser on proposals for a supplementary agreement for Station Assistants and Station Assistant GPRs on LOROL.


From RMT General Secretary Bob Crow:

I write to advise members of the latest situation in our dispute with London Underground over their planned job cuts. Many of you may have today seen the totally false reports made by the BBC that RMT had decided not to call strike action in January. Please be assured that this statement is totally false and your Executive continues to deliberate on the way forward. Nothing has been ruled in or ruled out at this stage.

The General Grades Committee has today met to discuss the dispute and the following decision has been taken: -

Duty Managers Grade Progression

From Bob Crow, RMT General Secretary

Following our member’s earlier rejection of LUL’s proposals on Duty Managers Grades Progression, further talks took place to discuss this matter. It is through our members resolve and determination that an improved deal has now been secured by our negotiating team and the General Grades Committee has decided to hold a referendum of Duty Manager Grades with a recommendation to accept.

Voting papers have now been sent out and the closing date is Tuesday 4th January 2011.

Re-Grading of Shepherd's Bush Station

From Bob Crow, General Secretary

I write to update Branches that a resolution was received from our Central Line West Branch alleging unfair and discriminatory practices against members at Shepherds Bush. I am pleased to advise branches that the matter is now been resolved and the General Grades Committee has decided to close the file.

Sacked Train Operators - Central Line West branch

From Bob Crow, RMT General Secretary


I write to update Branches that following the unjust economic dismissal of Bro Kevin Mortell and the subsequent industrial action, the General Grades Committee have made the following decision:-

“That we continue to press LUL for a Directors Review and support Brother Mortell in pursuing his Employment Tribunal application”

I will keep all Branches advised of any further developments.