RMT official circulars

Circulars from RMT head office about issues in our region

Ballot To 'Staff Our Stations' To Be Held

Save Our StationsBallot papers over the issues of massive job cuts and the resultant detrimental effects they will have on your working conditions and safety will be sent out shortly.

Your union cannot accept that you should pay with your job and safety for management’s financial incompetence. If savings need to be made they can come from the 200 TFL managers who earn more than £100,000 a year. We will not sit idly by whilst your safety is compromised.

Ill-health Pension Arrangements - TfL Pension Fund

From Bob Crow, General Secretary ...

Dear Colleague,

I am pleased to be able to advise members that the issue of ill-health pensions payable from the TfL Pension Fund has been resolved.

Our London Transport members will recall that in 2006 RMT started fighting a lone rear-guard action against management’s attempts to undermine the very valuable ill-health arrangements offered by the TfL Pension fund. Management wanted to turn the qualification for an ill-health pension from an ‘own job’ test to an ‘all work test.’

LGBT Circular, Newsletter, Reps Poster and Electronic Advert


Please find the following attached

A PDF with

An official circular inviting nominations for LGBT Reps
LGBT Rep Poster for your workplace
LGBT Newsletter 'Standing Proud'

also attached is an advert which can be placed into newsletters

and a LGBT Website Banner - to be attached to any LGBT Union Website Page.

RMT Young Members 2010 AGM Training Course

YM Logo
RMT Young Members’ AGM training Course - 2010
Aberdeen, Sunday 27th June – Friday 2nd July

Last year we held a very successful ‘AGM Course’ for our young members. Sixteen attended – the largest course of its kind that we have organised. Our improved organisation for young members was further reflected when 30 delegates attended the recent National Young Members Conference, in Liverpool.

We are now looking for young active members to train on our 2010 course which shall run in tandem with our AGM in Aberdeen. Members must be under 30 years of age at the start of the course.

Applications need to be submitted by the 30th April 2010

Click 'Read More' to read the rest of the circular and '1 Attachment' to download the circular and application form

Imposition Of Rosters, Breaches Of Signals Framework Agreement And Outsourcing – LUL

circular logoThis is an official RMT circular - IR/61/10 dated 18th of February 2010, from General Secretary Bob Crow.

I write to advise branches that victory has been achieved in the above dispute which has been concluded following talks at ACAS and the industrial action has been suspended.

Former Metronet Signallers To Take Strike Action After A Twelve To One Ballot For Action

Former Metronet signals members voted massively in favour of both strike action and action short of a strike.

The First 24 hour strike action will take place between 06.45 hours on Friday 5th February and 06.45 hours on Saturday 6th February 2010.

Further 24 hour strike action will take place every weekend from Sunday morning into Monday morning. The first of these will take place between 06.45 hours on Sunday 14th February and 06.45 hours on Monday 15th February 2010.

Alstom Train Maintenance Workers At Stratford Market Depot To Take Strike Action Following 100% Yes Vote

Strike action has been cancelled. Update here

circular logoAlstom members at Stratford Market Depot voted one hundred per cent in favour of both strike action and action short of a strike in order to attain pay harmonisation with Alstom emplyeees at other locations on LU.

The first 24 Hour Strike will now take place between 19.29 Hours on Wednesday 27th January and 19.28 hours on Thursday 28th January 2010. Until further notice strike action will continue from Sunday evening until Monday morning.

Read the full story to see the official RMT circular

Inflation Rates circular, January 2010

The December rates of RPI and CPI were published by the Office for National Statistics on the 19th January 2010. The next publication date is the 16th February 2010.

December 2009 retail prices index rate is 2.4%.This is up from 0.3% in November. The last time there was an increase in the annual inflation rate greater than 2.1 per cent was between June and July 1979, when the rate increased from 11.4 per cent to 15.6 per cent.

This record increase is due to a number of exceptional events that took place in December 2008: