RMT official circulars

Circulars from RMT head office about issues in our region

London Overground Pay & Conditions Referendum

RMT Circular No IR.107/09


Further to my circular IR95/09 dated 19th March 2009, I can advise you that the General Grades Committee today took the following decision:-

“That we note the enhanced terms in the latest offer from LOROL and that a mass meeting of our members indicated support for acceptance.

We instruct the General Secretary to commence a referendum of our members with a recommendation to vote “yes” to accept the offer.

Breakdown in Industrial Relations Seven Sisters Depot – LUL

From RMT official circular IR/97/09, dated 19th March 2009

I received a report regarding a breakdown in industrial relations at the Seven Sisters Depot, the four main points being;

  • The dismissal of train driver Carl Campbell (who should be reinstated immediately)
  • A stop to the misuse of attendance and disciplinary procedures
  • The lack of proper installation of Correct Side Door Enable equipment as provided on all other lines
  • An end to the victimisation of RMT activist Glenroy Watson

Breach of Disciplinary Procedures - Drivers Piccadilly Line - LUL

From RMT official circular IR/97/09, dated 19th March 2009

I write to confirm the final arrangements for the above ballot. The ballot papers were sent out on 19th March 2009 and the new closing date is Friday 27th March 2009.

Please note that that due to legal reasons Arnos Grove and Acton Town will be balloted separately however, it remains a single dispute

I urge RMT Drivers on the Piccadilly Line to return their ballot papers in the envelopes provided upon receiving them, to show management that the Union and our members will not be trampled on.

Yours Sincerely

Oyster Card Proposed Minimum £5 Top-Up LUL

From RMT official circular IR/86/09, dated 17th March 2009

I have been informed that LUL are trialling a minimum £5 Oyster top – up. LUL are stating that this is to help commuters to speed up their journey and shorten queues.

RMT’s view is that this is clearly targeted at poor people including pensioners and the unemployed.

While claiming to be an attempt to cut queues it is in fact part of an attempt to find ways of reducing the services to passengers and to undermine ticket offices.

Yours Sincerely

Bob Crow General Secretary

LUL Disciplinary Hearings

From RMT official circular IR/86/09, dated 17th March 2009

It has come to my attention that LUL management have changed the way they conduct disciplinary hearings (CDIs). They have started to routinely involve a PMA, or People Management Advisor to the CDI. In our view the PMA is not independent but is part of the Management team. This effectively adds a third person to the disciplinary panel and is therefore outside the LUL disciplinary procedure as well as a change to existing practices.

Piccadilly Line Drivers Ballot for Action

From RMT head office circular No. IR/70/09, dated 5th March 2009


In view of the ongoing concerns we have with regard to abuses of the disciplinary procedures on the Piccadilly Line, the ballot of Train Operators will go ahead as we are still in dispute.

For legal reasons two separate ballots will be held, one for Arnos Grove Ash House and the other for Acton Town Bollo House.

The ballot papers will be sent out to members on 10th March 2009 and the closing date will be 25th March 2009.

Deductions from Pay or Leave Because of Snow

From RMT head office circular No. IR/70/09, dated 5th March 2009


Some LUL members have lost pay or a day’s leave because of heavy snow prevented them coming in to work on Monday 2nd February 2009. The fact of the matter is that TFL decided not to run the buses, so it is totally unfair to punish staff.

RMT Women's Conference 2009: deadlines extended


Further to Circular No. NP/154/08, 27th November 2008, I am writing to remind Branches and Regional Councils of the importance of nominating women members who wish to attend the above Conference. I also wish to remind you of the importance of submitting motions for inclusion in the agenda.

Please note that the deadline for submission of nomination forms and motions has been extended to Friday, 13th February 2009.