RMT official circulars

Circulars from RMT head office about issues in our region

Official Circular: Dispute Update

Circular No. IR/242/09


As you would have been made aware by email, text and press announcements, considerable progress has been made towards resolving the current dispute situation on LUL. I am pleased to report that there has been movement in respect of jobs, pay and other matters and the purpose of this circular is to give further details.


Dismissal From Service - Kevin Dobinson, Train Operator, Bakerloo Line

Circular No. IR/222/09

RMT is to ballot all Bakerloo Line Drivers for both strike action and industrial action short of a strike in support of a dismissed colleague, Kevin Dobinson. Ballot papers will dispatched direct to members’ homes on 30th July 2009 with the closing date for returns being Wednesday 12th August 2009.

It seem that our Train Operator members on the Bakerloo are furious at Kevin’s dismissal and over 160 of them have signed a petition telling management exactly that. Kevin was sacked for a SPAD that he owned up to. It was an aggravated SPAD largely caused by Kevin being preoccupied with personal problems. Furthermore it was the sort of incident that had occurred before on the Underground yet other people hadn’t been sacked.

RMT Circular: Swine Flu Pandemic

Circular No IR/213/09 Our Ref: BR1/0312

You will be aware that in recent weeks that there have been many news reports regarding the outbreak of a new strain of subtype H1N1 influenza, commonly called swine flu, hog flu or pig flu, and the fears that this disease may become a major global pandemic. In line with recent Government warnings the General Grades Committee has discussed the possible impact on RMT members. At their meeting of 15th July 2009 the General Grades Committee took the follow decision:-

Imposition of Rosters - Control Room, Serco Docklands

DLRCircular No. IR/170/09 29th May 2009

Dear Colleagues

I can confirm that as a direct result of an RMT re-ballot of Serco Docklands Control Room Staff, the company has again backed off from implementing a roster to the detriment of our members. In noting the position, the General Grades Committee has made it clear that in the event of Docklands management again attempting to pull such a stunt sometime in the future, our response will be on a company wide basis involving all members.

LUL Pay-Tfl Pay dispute strike action dates 28.5.09

OFFICIAL CIRCULAR Circular No. IR/171/09 - 28th May 2009


• Rates of Pay & Conditions of Service 2009, Redundancies and Breach of Agreements – LUL • Rates of Pay & Conditions of Service 2009, Redundancies – TfL

Dear Colleague,

Below are the personal letters that have been sent to members advising them of the latest position in the two disputes.

“Rates of Pay & Conditions of Service 2009, Redundancies and Breach of Agreements – LUL

Rates of Pay & Conditions of Service 2009, Redundancies – TfL

From RMT official circular IR/152/09, dated 7th May 2009

Dear Colleague,

As with LUL it was decided not to use the ‘YES’ vote returned by members as a result of the challenge we had received. We have now had the opportunity to check the details we send to management and are to re-ballot TfL members.

As with LUL the issues remain the same and I list these below for ease of reference.

Rates of Pay and Conditions of Service 2009, Redundancies and Breach of Agreements – REW Metronet Acton Works

From RMT official circular IR.114/09, dated 1st April 2009

I am writing to advise you that the Union is holding a ballot for strike action and action short of a strike over a number of very important issues.

Breakdown in Industrial Relations, Willesden Green Group - LUL

From RMT official circular IR/108/09, dated 2nd April 2009

As you are aware there was a ballot held for Willesden Green and the results for this ballot are shown below;

WILLESDEN GREEN GROUP ________________________STRIKE ACTION____SHORT OF STRIKE NUMBER VOTING YES______35_______________39 NUMBER VOTING NO_______18_______________13 SPOILT PAPERS___________0________________1 TOTAL VOTES____________53_______________53

I would like to take this opportunity to thank our Willesden Green members for their resolve and support.

Breach of Disciplinary Procedures Dispute - Drivers - Piccadilly Line

From RMT official circular IR/108/09, dated 2nd April 2009

I write to congratulate you on a fantastic show of unity and solidarity that has been shown by the results of the ballot for industrial action. The results are shown below;

ARNOS GROVE ________________________SHORT OF STRIKE____STRIKE ACTION NUMBER VOTING YES______84__________________81 NUMBER VOTING NO_______0___________________3 SPOILT PAPERS__________ 0___________________0 TOTAL VOTES____________84__________________84