RMT official circulars

Circulars from RMT head office about issues in our region

LUL Pay & Conditions 2009 - Deal Accepted

(Updated with Ballot Results)

RMT General Grades Committee have decided to accept the LUL pay offer.

General Secretary, Bob Crow says "After giving careful consideration to the situation, the General Grades Committee has decided to accept the most recent offer in respect of the 2009 and 2010 pay increases and the associated improvements to conditions of service. This was a 1.5% increase from 1 April 2009 for one year and RPI + 0.5% or 0.5% whichever is the greater for year two."

Delegate form for young members conference

Hello Everyone,

The National Young Members Conference is in February 2010.. The Circular is attached, please ensure that you take it to your branch meeting and get yourself nominated for the conference.

If you have any problems with your application, please let me know as soon as possible.. Branches and Regional Councils can nominate up to 4 delegates each, so get your workmates nominated too...

In Solidarity,

Adrian Rowe National Union Of Rail, Maritime & Transport Workers (RMT) •CHAIR - National Young Members Advisory Committee 2009/2010

LUL Circular: Strike Actions Over EDF Pay Dispute and C Johnston Dismissal - Ballots for Dismissals of F Chambers, J Miah and M Odisi

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In this Circular:

  1. Rates Of Pay and Conditions Of Service - EDF Energy Powerlink
  2. Disciplinary - Colleen Johnston, Station Supervisor, Willesden Green Group, LUL
  3. Dismissal From Service Of Fitz Chambers and Joel Miah - Train Operators, Bakerloo Line, LUL
  4. Dismissal Of Mercy Odisi, Green Park Group, LUL

LUL Rates Of Pay And Conditions Of Service 2009

circular logo Circular No. IR. 380/09 dated 10th December 2009 from General Secretary Bob Crow

As you will be aware, the above ballot is well underway and is due to close on 21st December 2009. There had been some movement by the company since the decision to ballot was taken. This movement was confined to the medical redeployment arrangements only and not on the pay aspect itself.

The General Grades Committee’s decision on this is as follows:

“That we note the latest offer from LUL. While we welcome improvement to the medical termination in addition to existing arrangements, the package falls short of the aspirations of our members and is therefore not acceptable."

London Underground Pay Dispute ACAS Talks Update

Following hours and hours of talks at ACAS a new offer has been received from the company. This has been placed before the General Grades Committee and has been referred to the union’s Southern sub-Committee for consideration.

In the meantime the ballot goes ahead. You should vote YES for both strike action and industrial action short of a strike on your ballot paper.

Trade Dispute Updates for EDF Energy, Stratford Depot - Alstom, Hammersmith and City Depot and Willesden Green Station Group Members

circular logoThis is an official RMT circular - IR/399/09 dated 13th of November 2009, from General Secretary Bob Crow.

RMT is currently in a number of dispute situations with various TfL employers that will necessitate ballots for industrial action. In addition to this there is of course the company wide dispute with LUL itself and I am carrying out the necessary checks for this ballot and hope to be in a position to report on progress next week.

Regretfully, this process has become even more complicated than before following a High Court ruling against us in respect of a recent ballot we conducted amongst our EDF Energy members.

LUL Rates of Pay and Conditions of Service Dispute

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This is RMT's Official circular regarding LUL - IR/334/09 dated 10th of November 2009, from General Secretary Bob Crow.

You will be aware that, following consultation with our representatives, RMT previously decided not to accept LUL’s pay offer and to commence a re-ballot of its LUL Membership for industrial action. I can confirm that our stand prompted Management to arrange a meeting yesterday with all the unions at ACAS.


This is a circular from RMT General Secretary Bob Crow - LUL/4/4

Concerns have been raised with regard to the posting on the internet of a film of a Customer Service Assistant allegedly behaving inappropriately towards a customer, and the resulting campaign for his dismissal.