London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

RMT Settles West London Service Control Dispute

TUBE UNION RMT confirmed today that following a series of ACAS talks the Piccadilly and sub-surface lines control dispute has been settled and strike action due to start this Sunday evening has been called off.

Following extensive negotiations RMT has been able to secure agreements that protect earnings, employment, grading, career progression, training and the release time for union representatives.

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said:

RMT Platform June 2012

In June's edition:

  • RMT Stands Up For Agency Staff on LU Stations
  • Your Station and Revenue Grades Committee
  • ICSAs: Vote ‘Yes’ for Safety and Job Security!
  • Stick Within the Framework!
  • Wheelchair Ramps
  • Assisting Passengers With Luggage

RMT To Ballot All London Underground Staff For Action Short Of A Strike Over Use Of Unqualified Staff In Safety Critical Roles

TUBE UNION RMT announced today that it is to ballot all London Underground members for action short of a strike over the issue of the company using ill-trained and unqualified Incident Customer Service Assistants (ICSA’s) to make up minimum numbers at stations.

RMT has warned that not only is the policy dangerous but it is also in breach of the 2008 agreement that ended the casualisation dispute. The issue will be particularly relevant over the Olympics period when unprecedented numbers of people will be using the tube

RMT And London Underground Met At ACAS Today To Discuss Service Control Dispute

RMT reps attended ACAS with London Underground Ltd today to discuss our service control dispute.

We confirmed the issues which have forced us to call industrial action, and received an initial, verbal response from management.

LUL will put its response in writing by Monday, and there will be further talks on Tuesday. So far, however, the company has not provided the answers that our service control members need to assure them of their future job security, fair treatment and adequate representation.

So our industrial action remains ON.

RMT To Ballot LUL Members For Action Short Of Strike Over Olympic Dispute Regarding Agreements Being Broken

"our members who wish to adhere to agreements made by this union may require the additional protection of ‘action short of strikes’ to defend their right to do so"

We note the report from our Regional Organiser, and the problems experienced recently with London Underground’s apparent failure to adhere to our Olympics agreement. We hope that these problems will be resolved.

However, should they not be resolved, our members who wish to adhere to agreements made by this union may require the additional protection of ‘action short of strikes’ to defend their right to do so despite agreements made by other unions.

Contract Of Employment –

From RMT General Secretary Bob Crow

I have received reports that agency workers employed by engaged on Grand Central Railways and London Underground’s Bakerloo Line contracts have not been paid for the second month running and have been excluded from the Agency Worker Regulations by, who are using the Swedish derogation contract model to employ our members.

Service Control Strike Newsletter

The attached document has been updated, please display this version, not the earlier one as it has been improved.

London Underground

  • Refuse to give YOU any financial protection when they close your control room or signal cabin!
  • Will displace you to any job or grade that suits them!
  • They will send you anywhere in London to do any job!