RMT steps up campaign for TfL funding

Dear colleague




RMT is stepping up its fight to win full funding for Transport for London and all members are asked to sign the London Transport Regional Council petition here.


The union has also produced its own campaigning document, making a positive case for staff to be at the heart of a fully funded and rebuilt public transport system in London. In 'A Future for Public Transport in London', we set out not only the cost of cutting jobs before the crisis but also how more and better jobs are essential to rebuilding London's public transport after the crisis.


You can read our document here.


I recently wrote to all London MPs, Assembly Members and all London Councillors, sending them a copy of this document. Copies were also submitted to the Government and to TfL's own review of its financial sustainability.


We are working to build a coalition of support across the capital and build our workplace membership so that we can win the case for full funding of TfL and fight against austerity with every weapon at our disposal.


·        Sign and share the petition:


·        Distribute this message your colleagues so that everyone knows about RMT and has this link to join: https://www.rmt.org.uk/about/join-rmt/


Thanks for taking the time to read this message

Yours sincerely,


RMT Union