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Urgent meeting called to discuss Sister Kyei-Donkoh case

Dear Colleagues,



The following resolution has recently been received from Bakerloo Branch:-


“This Branch notes with concern the disciplinary proceedings brought against our member, Sophie Kyei-Donkoh, a CSA at Piccadilly Circus.


The charges relate to an alleged incident involving a passenger; in fact, this passenger has consistently brought vexatious complaints against Piccadilly Circus staff, and was verbally abusive to Sophie during the alleged incident, a fact corroborated by witnesses. Local management was already aware of the passenger's history of vexatious complaints.


There are also a number of serious flaws in the disciplinary process, such as the fact that key witnesses were not interviewed until after a decision was made to send Sophie to a Company Disciplinary Interview.


We note that the outcome of Sophie's CDI is due on 26 February.


In the spirit of the trade union principle that “an injury to one is an injury to all”, we will not allow Sophie to face possible dismissal for an alleged incident that would have been more properly dealt with as a performance and coaching matter.


Recognising the strength of feeling amongst Sophie's fellow workers, we resolve to request that the NEC, via the appropriate channels, informs London Underground that a dispute exists between us over this matter, resolvable by the lifting of the threat of dismissal.


We also resolve that the NEC notify the company of our intention to ballot all CSM, CSS and CSA members at Piccadilly Circus for industrial action to demand Sophie's reinstatement should she be dismissed, with a view to extending the ballot to the wider Bakerloo South Cover Group and beyond if this becomes necessary”.


This matter has been considered by the National Executive Committee which has taken the decision to arrange an urgent reps meeting of all Bakerloo Line IR Reps with the Lead Officer, Senior Assistant General Secretary and NEC in attendance. I am currently acting in accordance with this decision and will keep Branches advised of all further developments.



Yours sincerely,

Mick Cash
General Secretary