Hammersmith & City Branch- Local Elections Voting Now Open!


Following the Hammersmith & City Branch AGM, Branch voting is now open for 24 hours for the following positions:

  • Stations Health & Safety

Edgware Road (C&H), Paddington (Main and Suburban), Bayswater, GPS, Euston Square


  • Trains Health & Safety

Edgware Road Train-Crew Depot


The candidates for the Stations election are:

Stanley Fernandez, Station Supervisor- Paddington

David Kasim, Station Supervisor- Paddington


The candidates for the Trains election are:

RMT Hammersmith & City Branch Documents

Please find attached the current H&C Branch (654) Documents:

  • Branch Bylaws (Including Guidelines & Expected Code of Conduct for Reps and Prospective Reps)
  • Branch Standing Orders

These are available to view and download by clicking the relevent file.

You are reminded that a list of current Rep's and Branch Officials is available by clicking here.

New Tory anti-strike laws attack basic human rights, says RMT

RMT members march, holding a banner that states "Do you know what a picket line is" alongside a photo of RMT General Secretary Mick Lynch

TRANSPORT UNION RMT slammed the Tory government’s Minimum Service Levels legislation announced tonight (Monday, November 6) attacking the right of essential workers to take strike action as ‘an assault on the fundamental freedoms of working people’.

Minimum service level legislation for rail workers, ambulance staff and border security staff will be laid in parliament tomorrow (Tuesday, November 7).

Jobs, Pensions & Agreements dispute - join the online briefing

To: All RMT LUL Members

Dear Colleague,


Please join an important online briefing for all RMT LUL members about the reballot in our campaign to defend your jobs, pensions and agreements.

This is an opportunity to hear from the lead officers and negotiators about why it is so important to deliver a big YES vote in the reballot and have your questions answered.

If you would like to submit a question for the panel, please do so here by 12pm on Monday at the latest.

TfL Pension Fund £2billion in surplus

Dear Colleague,


Following the Annual Members Meeting of the TfL Pension Fund held on 6th October 2023 I can report that we are pleased to be advised by the Trustee's that funding position of this final salary pension schemes continues to remain in excellent shape. I can reveal that based on the latest actuarial report of 31st March 2023 the fund has a surplus of over £2 billion and a funding level of 116.9%. 

Defending jobs, pensions and agreements - ballot papers out today

Dear RMT Member

Defending Jobs, Pensions & Agreements – London Underground


The current industrial action mandate in this dispute will expire in November and therefore it is now necessary to re-ballot you and your colleagues for a historic fifth time in this dispute. It is hugely frustrating. However, if we do not win every ballot, London Underground will have a free hand to attack members jobs, pensions and agreements. We cannot let this happen.

Tube strike action suspended following significant progress made by RMT

Strike action on London Underground has been suspended following significant progress made by RMT negotiators and London Underground Limited (LUL) representatives.

Planned strike action by over 3,000 members on LU stations on Wednesday 4 and Friday 6 will now not go ahead.

Following talks at ACAS, RMT has managed to save key jobs, prevent detrimental changes to rosters and secure protection of earnings around grading changes.

Strike suspended - offer represents significant progress and the elimination or reduction of several threats

Dear RMT Member,



The Union has been in talks with LUL at ACAS and a set of proposals has been received in relation to each area of dispute regarding the Stations Change Proposals. A summary of these items is as follows:


Customer Services Resourcing (CSR) – CSA numbers

LUL commits to adding a number of CSAs back into local rosters, comprising:

Tory anti-union minimum service laws will worsen industrial relations

RAIL UNION RMT warned today (Friday September 22, 2023) that the Tory anti-union minimum service laws would if used worsen industrial relations, prolong disputes and lead even more days or strikes and new novel forms of action.

The union was responding to a new Transport Committee report released today challenging the government’s ‘minimum service levels’ regulations for railway strikes. 

London Solidarity March and Rally: 4th October

Dear colleague,

TUC- LESE London Solidarity March and Rally: 4th October

RMT station staff members on London Underground will be taking strike action on 4th October, alongside ASLEF members on the mainline and members from a number of other unions in dispute at the moment. The London, Eastern and South Eastern TUC (LESE) has organised a solidarity march and rally on 4th October. There will be speakers from several of the unions taking action.