LUL Trains

News, reports and information for London Underground train drivers


RMT secures new deal for Boxing Day

download the attached poster. You could also print and distribute it in your depot.

Most drivers will be aware of the Boxing Day “agreement” that was hastily signed off by Aslef about 9 years ago. It was a very unsatisfactory deal because the bonus of £350 wasn’t index linked and has consequently gone down in value every year.

RMT Trains' Safety Council Update, 2nd of April 2020

Yesterday the RMT THSC took part in the third in a series of conference calls with LU to discuss the ongoing Covid-19 crisis and measures that were being put in place to reduce risk to all parties. 
LU confirmed that tube usage had remained at 94% down on normal levels but accepted that there continues to be areas which experience short term heavy loading. Their view is that changes to timetables will resolve this concern. 

Trains Functional Council Update March 2020

On March 26th the RMT joined with Aslef and LUL management in an ad-hoc TFC meeting, the vast majority of which was spent discussing the effects of Corona Virus (CV) on drivers. The RMT recognises that we are living in extraordinary times and that to achieve the safest outcomes for our members we have to engage in constructive discussions. However, we refuse to make hasty decisions which may create short-term benefits but result in serious problems in the future. LUL put a number of proposals to us, some of which we agreed to consider and we will return to further talks on Tuesday 31st.

Coronavirus: Trains Safety Council Update

Covid-19 crisis update
Today the RMT THSC took part in a conference call with LU to discuss the ongoing Covid-19 crisis and
measures that were being put in place to reduce risk to all parties.

In response to this crisis emergency timetables are now in place so as to allow key workers to get around. This plan has clearly not worked with trains, especially early in the morning, carrying large amounts of people making social distancing impossible.

Ezra Christian Sacked Unfairly

Train Operator Ezra Christian Sacked


Bakerloo Line Management have today dismissed Ezra over an incident which should have been dealt with by a corrective action plan. 

The RMT Bakerloo Line  branch will support Ezra in every way possible. 


Bakerloo drivers' strike goes ahead on Friday

RMT strike action on Bakerloo Line goes ahead Friday as LU refuse serious talks

TUBE UNION RMT confirmed today that strike action on the Bakerloo line in a dispute over the impact on train drivers over unworkable timetable changes that place operators under intolerable levels of personal stress will go ahead as planned from lunchtime on Friday after tube bosses slammed the door on serious talks aimed at reaching a solution.