LUL Trains

News, reports and information for London Underground train drivers


Night Tube drivers' meeting

The RMT trains functional council has organised a meeting to discuss Night Tube issues.

This meeting, for all drivers and in particular Night Tube drivers', will follow an important meeting your union has with senior LUL management on the future of Night Tube.

All drivers are encouraged to attend. For the Zoom login details speak to a local rep, or contact us at

Please see the attached newsletter for more information of the issues being discussed.

RMT in dispute as Tube bosses announce train driver job cuts at Queen's Park depot


The following resolution was recently received from the Bakerloo Line Branch:-

“This branch notes LU's declared intention to cut Train Operators jobs at Queen's Park Depot. These cuts involve a reduction of 11 rostered positions (101 to 90) and one pool position (six to five), amounting to a total of cut of more than 10% of the existing workforce.

SMA3 update

Dear Colleagues,


Further to my previous Circular (IR/007/1/21, 8th January 2021), the following resolution was received from Piccadilly & District West Branch:-

“This Branch notes that despite the RMT concerns over safety and preparedness, LU management decided to plough ahead with the operational proving weekend on the 9th and 10th January.

London Underground 'two in a cab training' paused

  • Please download, print and display the attached poster in your depot.

UPDATE: Two in a cab training to be suspended with immediate effect following RMT intervention

Following the Government’s announcement on Saturday about the alarming rise of COVID-19 transmissions in London, the RMT immediately contacted the LUL Managing Director to demand an urgent meeting about the effects on our members.

Trains Grade Meeting

  • Meeting dates are subject to change of date and time. Please speak to a rep or branch officer to confirm details before attending.

Train Grades is held monthly on the last Thursday of the month on Zoom. Please ask your local rep for the link. Train Grades is a regular meeting for reps, activists and all members to debate issues related to our grade, to report on local issues and to hear reports and ask questions of train functional reps.

All RMT drivers are welcomed and encouraged to attend and to help your union formulate policy and build campaigns.