LUL Trains

News, reports and information for London Underground train drivers


Passenger hell as Bakerloo detrainment action continues

Tube drivers on the Bakerloo Line enter second week of industrial action for safety.

Angry Bakerloo passengers have tweeted:

“Bakerloo line has been just an appalling service all week. I leave my house earlier and earlier each day and appear to get to work later!!”

“I would rather hop everywhere than have to get on the Bakerloo Line again.”

“Is there any refund procedure for continuous delays to your service? Bakerloo line is an absolute joke at the moment.”

With over 3000 passenger overcarries into the Queens Park sidings last year, culminating in the near fatality of a 12 year old boy in October, drivers are physically checking that trains are empty of passengers before moving trains into sidings.

Driving in Manual When Not In Service

At yesterdays Health & Safety tier 2 meeting it was agreed that on TBTC lines when working a train out of service station skip would not be used and T/Ops would manually start trains at every station.

At the present time when auto is not permitted T/Ops drive in protected manual and we maintained that this should remain the case.

Management suggested that T/Ops could have a choice to either work the train in auto or PM and we have said we will take this away and discuss with the Reps on the lines concerned.

Tube Bosses Want To Remove Important Equipment From Jubilee Line


We note the resolution from our Neasden branch and the support expressed by representatives from Jubilee South branch. We share our branches’ horror at London Underground’s plan to operate trains on the Jubilee Line north of Bond Street without tunnel telephone wires for a period of up to 4 years. Tunnel telephone wires play an essential safety role, both in facilitating communication and in discharging traction current in an emergency.

We instruct the General Secretary to conduct a ballot of all our Jubilee line driver members for action short of strike action, with a view to drivers taking action including refusing to drive trains in passenger service through tunnel sections without tunnel telephone wires or suitable alternative protection.

Signalling Irregularities At Neasden Depot

We note the resolution from our Neasden branch and share our branch’s concern at London Underground Ltd’s failure to compel its contractor, Thales, to repair signalling irregularities at Neasden Depot.

This is not an acceptable way for the company to conduct its upgrades, not only causing problems for our members at work but also potentially endangering both staff and passengers.

Tube bosses are sabotaging Bakerloo Line service and misinforming passengers

United action by ASLEF and RMT drivers for safety on the Bakerloo Line has been rock solid and has hit LU hard. So much so, that LU are not allowing the control room to manage the service in the best interest of passengers or the service. A diktat from senior LU bosses has stated that a ‘special service’ is not to be implemented and management have been placed in the control room to ensure that control room staff abide by this. They are intentionally out to sabotage the best running of the trains to make drivers suffer.

RMT Awaits Met Line Upgrade Letter Response

We note the report from our Regional Organiser, attaching a report from our LU Trains Upgrades representative.

We instruct the General Secretary to seek confirmation that the letter to London Underground Ltd instructed by our decision Gww 18 December 2012 has been sent, and to place any reply in front of us.


London Transport Regional Council and branches to be advised.

Bakerloo detrainment dispute - important points for drivers.

Industrial action for a safer detrainment procedure on the Bakerloo starts Tuesday 15th of January until further notice. All trains going into sidings or depots should be physically detrained to ensure no overcarries.

Some important points to remember:

• Always be in the correct position at the correct time for your pick up.

• If you are the relieving driver, inform the driver you are relieving that you will be physically detraining as per industrial action to ensure no overcarries.

Trains Council Discuss Boxing Day Dispute

We note the report from our Regional Organiser.

We further note that our LU Trains Council representatives are having further discussions this week concerning ASLEF’s Boxing Day dispute, and instruct the General Secretary to obtain a report of these discussions and place it in front of us.

London Transport Regional Council and branches to be advised.

RMT & ASLEF Joint Action For Passenger Safety

We note that further discussions have taken place to arrange synchronisation with ASLEF for the Bakerloo line action. We therefore instruct the General Secretary to cancel our industrial action on the Bakerloo line only starting at 00:01 on Thursday 10 January and to begin the action instead at 00:01 on Tuesday 15 January. The industrial action remains the same as in our previous instruction and is to run until further notice; and the timing of the industrial action on the Central line remains unchanged.