LUL Trains

News, reports and information for London Underground train drivers


Tube Drivers Ramp Up Public Protest In Detrainment And Staffing Dispute

TUBE DRIVERS involved in a five week dispute over staff and passenger safety on the Bakerloo Line will take their campaign out onto the streets this Friday as the union ramps up public support and pressure on London Underground.

The drivers and their supporters will be outside Queens Park station from 7.30am to 9.00am this Friday – 22ndFebruary – demanding an end to the spin and lies from LUL and serious talks to resolve the bitter dispute which continues to disrupt Bakerloo Line services on a daily basis despite a barrage of misinformation from Transport for London.

RMT & ASLEF Unity Secures Safe Process For Works On Jubilee Line

We note the report from our Regional Organiser, and that LUL has agreed to place telephones at 60m intervals through the relevant section of the Jubilee line during the tunnel relining, to enable the discharge of traction current in an emergency. This is similar to the arrangement on the Heathrow loop, and is acceptable to our representatives.

Go Into Depots Or Sidings With Passengers On Board? Over Your Dead Body!

London Underground wants Bakerloo line drivers to drive out-of-service trains into depots and sidings without checking first that all passengers have got off the train.

This has resulted in over 3,000 passengers being carried into depots and sidings, many times more than on all other London Underground lines put together. On other lines, staff physically check the train is empty first.

RMT Believes LULs Upgrade Programme Used As A Pretext To Attack Jobs

Further to our decision Gww 8/1/13, we note the report from our representatives' meeting held on 25 January.

We note that London Underground's Upgrades programme has a significant impact on many of our members, including providing a pretext for LUL management to attack jobs and conditions. It is therefore essential that we mobilise all our relevant representatives to work together in unity to secure the best possible outcome for our members and for the future of London Underground.

RMT In Dispute With LUL Over Time Allowed For Drivers To Prepare Trains

Further to our decision Gww 18/12/12, we note the report from our representatives' meeting held on 25 January 2013.

We agree that since the method of detrainment on the Metropolitan line has altered, there should therefore be a retiming exercise, and instruct the General Secretary to obtain a report on our representatives' progress in ensuring that this takes place.

General Grades Committee Decision On Bakerloo Detrainment Dispute

RMT GGC made the following decision on the Bakerloo detrainment dispute.


Branches will be aware of our ongoing dispute with London Underground over the company’s detrainment policy on the Bakerloo and Central Lines. Talks recently took place at ACAS and the General Grades Committee has now considered a report from the Regional Organiser.

RMT REJECTS use of ‘security personnel’ to resolve detrainment dispute

Click on "attachment" to download Bakerloo detrainment union notice. Main story follows.

The RMT and ASLEF Executives’ instruction from the start of the dispute

“to ensure that the carriages on their trains are physically checked and clear of passengers prior to going into sidings or depots. This is to be done either by appropriately-licensed LUL staff or by drivers themselves.”

Private security guards don’t count!

London Underground have stated in a letter to RMT and ASLEF that from Monday 11th of February