LUL Trains

News, reports and information for London Underground train drivers


Bakerloo Line Detrainment Jobs Needs Permanent Rostered Staff

We welcome the report from our Regional Organiser.

We note that LUL presented its three-month review of its detrainment procedure to our Trains Safety Council representatives on Monday 1 July. The company has made no progress in achieving a technical solution to minimising overcarries, and continues to deploy station staff as part of its detrainment procedure.

It is therefore clear that the work being carried out by station staff is permanent. It is thus no longer appropriate for this to be done by the Special Requirements Team; rostored station staff posts should be restored.

Protest - Save Whitechapel Ticket Office

From RMT General Secretary Bob Crow

Many of you will be aware that Whitechapel Underground station is undergoing a huge refurbishment, which will see the station serving thousands more customers each year, as a result of the Crossrail project. However, London Underground has announced plans to remove and close the Ticket Office from July 2014, which will also result in the loss of SAMF positions.

Railways Inspector's Recommendations Following Review Into James Masango Case

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow, wrote to the ORR following an incident in 2011 which resulted in the sacking, and subsequent reinstatement of James, due to the strong union response.The RMT complaint regarded firstly James’ alleged responsibility for the SPAD; and secondly, that James had been compelled to drive when unfit to do so. The letter below is the response.

You can read more about the case here.

The Letter

Dear Mr Crow


Tube Review Recommended Into Designation Of 'Signal Passed At Danger' incidents

We note that London Underground Ltd dismissed Train Operator James Masango in 2011, before a strong response from this union achieved his reinstatement. We note that RMT complained to the Office of Rail Regulation: firstly, about James’ alleged responsibility for the SPAD; and secondly, that James had been compelled to drive when unfit to do so.

We note the report from HM Principal Inspector of Railways Keith Atkinson in response to our complaint, which found that:

  • “the case of James Masango’s alleged SPAD does not appear to have been handled in the systematic manner I would have expected from LU”
  • “there is undoubtedly room for more structured arrangement between managers and their staff for ensuring clear understanding of an individual’s fitness or otherwise to operate trains”

Piccadilly Line Dispute Latest

Referring to decision GWW 21st May 2013. The meeting has now taken place and we note the report from our Regional Organiser regarding the substantial progress made and that the recommendation of our negotiating team is that we should regard this dispute resolved due to the following points:

SPAD Policy

'Cross Line Working' Dispute Update

The RMT has made great progress in our S Stock dispute with LU. But one sticking point remains - the issue of Cross Line Working.

Following talks at ACAS on Tuesday 21st of May your negotiators tabled a reasonable solution to the S Stock dispute which was flatly refused by LUL for spurious reasons. The RMT proposed that the timetable should be amended so that trains are picked from Moorgate Bay Road as opposed to Baker St Met platforms; our view was that this would not compromise any existing agreements or require any additional training.

Piccadilly Line Drivers Return Massive Yes For Strike


That we note the ballot result is as follows:-

Are you willing to take strike action?

Total votes cast ...203...

Number voting “Yes” ...182...(89.7%)............

Number voting “No” ....21.................

Spoilt Papers .....0...............

Drivers Vote For Strike Action Across the Sub Surface Railway


That we note the ballot results are as follows:-

Are you willing to take action short of strike action (Hammersmith & City and Metropolitan
line drivers)?

Total votes cast ...85................

Number voting “Yes”...80...(94.1%)............

Number voting “No”...5.................

Spoilt Papers...0.................

Are you willing to take strike action (Hammersmith and Edgware Road drivers)?

Total votes cast...49...............

Number voting “Yes”...41...(83.7%).............