LUL Trains

News, reports and information for London Underground train drivers


Victoria Line Dispute

That we note the correspondence on file from the ASLE&F reporting that they will not be balloting their members for Industrial Action on the Victoria Line, however this Union remains in dispute on this matter.

London Transport Regional Council and branches to be advised.

LU Guidelines For Train Ops: Resumption To Duty Whilst On Medication For Depression

LU has altered it's policy on allowing drivers taking medication for depression to drive trains. Below is the company stance and forms used are attached.

LU article on the new procedure
Occupational Health revises advice it gives drivers

Occupational Health has revised the advice it gives to train operators regarding anti-depressant medication, following consultation with key internal stakeholders and medical experts.

Victoria Line Dispute Latest Decision

We note the correspondence from London Underground. We instruct the General Secretary to forward this letter to our functional council representatives of train, depot and service control staff, asking for their comments and any additional information they may have about this issue, and to place replies in front of us.

London Transport Regional Council and branches to be advised.

Victoria Line Drivers Balloted For Strike Over Range Of Grievances

Tube union RMT confirmed today that train crew members on the Victoria Line are to be balloted for strike action over a range of grievances that amount to a total breakdown in industrial relations:

  • Forcing Drivers to work overtime. Drivers being made to start a duty which would result in them working beyond their finishing time.
  • Failing to hold meetings requested by members such as flexible working requests, grievance hearings, and disciplinary appeal hearings.
  • Trying to conduct meetings without the full level 1 rep in attendance.

Mill Hill Incident Update From Trains Health & Safety Council

Your RMT local and Tier 2 Reps have now met with management twice regarding the ‘Mexican stand off’ incidents at Mill Hill East. Senior signal engineers were also in attendance at this meeting.

These incidents occurred as Northern Line trains were routed in such a way that they were brought to stand, facing each other, on the same single line section of track.

Central Line Breakdown in industrial Relations

A meeting took place on August 1st, between RMT Officials, RMT Central Line Representatives and senior LU management in an attempt to avert a ballot of all Central Line drivers due a breakdown in industrial relations on the line.

Relations between management and your industrial and safety representatives have worsened over the past 18 months or so until it has got to the stage where your union firmly believe that the Central Line management is out of control.

Senior Central Line managers seem to believe that LU policies and procedures, the Health and Safety at

Northern Line Incident 'Critical' As Trains Approach Each Other On Single Track Again

In the latest incident, which happened at 9.50 on Monday morning (22nd July), the driver was given a target speed and proceeded to depart Finchley Central from platform.

He was already in the process of stopping as he had seen another train heading towards him from Mill Hill East as the Line Control emergency call to stop came through.

The driver was forced to carry out a wrong directional move back to Finchley Central to allow the train from Mill Hill East to continue to Finchley Central, an emergency preventative move that could only be carried out by a driver up-front in the cab.

RMT up front issue 27

Attached is the latest edition of RMT up front. This issue focuses on the proposed £350 Boxing Day payments and changes to TOPRA. Main stories follow:

Proposed Boxing Day bonus and changes to TOPRA
RMT demands improvements to deal

The proposed arrangements for Boxing Day payments negotiated between London Underground and ASLEF behind closed doors fall short of RMT’s aspirations. Following a meeting with all RMT drivers’ reps, the union has written to LU demanding further talks to improve the deal.