LUL Trains

News, reports and information for London Underground train drivers


Industrial Action Called Across London Underground

Strike action ballots return strong yes votes from ISS cleaners, drivers on the Piccadilly and sub surface depots, and maintenance workers on TfL contract with Mitie

RMT today confirmed a ballot for strike action of Train Operators and Instructor Operators on the Piccadilly Line, in response to London Underground riding roughshod over agreements and abusing a range of agreed policies and procedures, has shown a massive nine to one vote in favour.

Blog: Confessions Of A Train Operator On Temporary Alternative Duties

If the company press machine is to be believed, stations and in particular the stations on the outskirts of the underground network are ghost stations. Whereby there is very little need for station staff, staff there sit around drinking tea and watch Jeremy Kyle all day. Customers come and go as they please using all this wonderful modern technology such as etop up; wide aisle gates and help points. No need for station staff they say.

London Calling May 2013

In this edition:

  • Piccadilly dispute latest
  • Tube lines dispute
  • Update on Rainbow Sickness Process from Stations Functional Council Reps
  • Fighting for the 33
  • Support ISS Cleaners
  • Supervisor Cuts and Wider use of ICSAs Will be Resisted
  • Thermal Comfort Survey

Action Plan In Place To Resolve Jubilee Dispute. Industrial Action 'Not Necessary'

We note the report from our lead officer, which confirms that following a meeting described by our representative as ‘positive’, there is an action plan to resolve the dispute and that industrial action will not be necessary.

This matter is to be placed back in front of us following the three-month review.

London Transport Regional Council and branches to be advised. Jubilee South branch to be advised by personal letter.

Sub Surface Lines Tube Drivers To Be Balloted For Industrial Action

We note the report from our Regional Organiser and the correspondence from our Hammersmith and City branch and our LUL Trains Council representatives.

We note that there are several serious problems concerning the introduction of the S Stock, itemised in previous GGC decisions and including inadequate preparation time and cross-line working. We reaffirm our stance that the introduction of new stock must not be a pretext for attacks on safety standards or working conditions.

Piccadilly Line News – Dispute Special

Management throw policies and agreements out of the window as the RMT takes a stand for drivers.

The issues…

Following months of turning the screw on members who are sick or make mistakes at work, the “new style” management thought that we would just lie down and take it. The latest insult resulted in duty sheets being produced that attempted to rob the members at the west end of the line of 5 minutes booking on time. As soon as management got wind that this was going to unite the line against them, a new set of sheets were produced that adhered to agreements. As if by magic! This is the thin end of the wedge. Management clearly want to cut your union out and do as they please. If this is allowed to continue you will very soon come to work in fear of your job.

RMT Seeks Members View On jubilee Dispute Offer

We note the correspondence from London Underground Ltd outlining its proposed settlement of this dispute, and instruct the General Secretary to obtain and place in front of us a report as to whether this represents a satisfactory outcome for our members.

London Transport Regional Council and branches to be advised. Jubilee South branch to be advised by personal letter.

Tube Drivers Strike Ballot Announced

Tube union RMT today confirmed a ballot for strike action of Train Operators and Instructor Operators on the Piccadilly Line in response to London Underground riding roughshod over agreements and abusing a range of agreed policies and procedures.

London Underground has also unilaterally decided to split Acton Town Piccadilly Depot into two, ripping up rosters and booking times, refusing perfectly reasonable requests for decent staff facilities and bulldozing through their plans outside of the agreed negotiating machinery.

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said: