LUL Trains

News, reports and information for London Underground train drivers


Saving Tube Jobs

This article is taken from the September issue of RMT News, page 16EC member Janine Booth outlines six successful union campaigns to reverse unfair sackings from different grades and in different companies Docklands Light Railway Sacked Passenger Service Agents Ian Peavot and Julian Harper for comments they posted on Facebook. DLR staff, nearly all of whom are RMT members, also had other grievances against the company, and when talks made little progress, voted overwhelmingly for industrial action. RMT reps decided on a 48- hour strike, and while lawyers wrangled about its legality, the branch kept campaigning and negotiating. Management backed down, reinstated Ian and Julian, and resolved the other issues too. Meanwhile, RMT and TSSA members on London Underground were fighting job cuts, and the company took hostages.

Justice for James!

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the legal opinion received in this case. Accordingly, we instruct the General Secretary to immediately raise a formal complaint with the Office of the Rail Regulator that London Underground endangered the safety of both its employees and the public, in breach of the Health and Safety Act 1974.

We further instruct the General Secretary to advise Brother Masango as to his rights to pursue a personal injury claim, as outlined in the legal advice.

Welcome to RMT Up Front

Welcome to RMT Upfront the new section on RMT London Calling for London Underground tube drivers.

This section of the site has all the latest news for tube drivers including stories on pay and defending drivers. It also includes all editions of the tube drivers 'RMT Up Front' newsletter as well as an archive of agreements, procedures and the latest frame work.

Progress towards Justice for Jayesh?

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the letter from London Underground’s Director of Employee Relations, informing us that he has reviewed Brother Patel’s case and indicating that some progress with the case may be possible. We instruct the General Secretary to seek a meeting with the Director of Employee Relations to seek clarification on the content of the letter and pursue further progress with this case.

London Transport Regional Council and branches to be advised.

RMT Tells London Underground: Withdraw Your Unsafe Procedure for Drivers

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the correspondence from London Underground, asking this union to reconsider our industrial action on this issue [the Operational Effectiveness Programme]. We reaffirm that as London Underground has not withdrawn its plan to impose unsafe working practices for train drivers, our industrial action ballot continues, alongside the publicity campaign outlined in our previous decision.

We instruct the General Secretary to reply to LU, inviting the company to reconsider its imposition of unsafe working practices.