LUL Trains

News, reports and information for London Underground train drivers


Victoria Line Dispute Update

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the report from our Regional Organiser and our representative, and are alarmed that London Underground intends to conduct trials from Seven Sisters to Walthamstow Central from May 30 despite our ongoing dispute over safety issues.

RMT Names Strike Dates in Victimisation Dispute

RMT GGC decision (extract):

Following consultation with our representatives, we call strike action as follows:

All London Underground train driver members are instructed not to book on for any duty that commences:

  • between 21:01 on Monday 16 May and 11:59 on Tuesday 17 May
  • between 12:00 on Wednesday 18 May and 11:59 on Thursday 19 May
  • between 12:00 on Friday 20 May and 21:00 on Friday 20 May

All London Underground train driver members are further instructed not to book on for any duty that commences:

Poster for traincrew noticeboards

Click on the attachment to download poster for train depot noticeboards.

RMT General Secretary says:

"It is the abject failure of LU to recognise
that their policy of victimisation of union activists has been well and truly rumbled both in the employment tribunal and in their own depots, and it is that harassment and bullying that has left us with no choice but to name these dates for strike action.

LUL Strike Dates: Defending Our Reps

The Strike has been suspended -

All London Underground train driver members are instructed not to book on for any duty that commences:

  • between 21:01 on Monday 16 May and 11:59 on Tuesday 17 May
  • between 12:00 on Wednesday 18 May and 11:59 on Thursday 19 May
  • between 12:00 on Friday 20 May and 21:00 on Friday 20 May

All London Underground train driver members are further instructed not to book on for any duty that commences:

  • between 21:01 on Monday 13 June and 11:59 on Tuesday 14 June
  • between 12:00 on Wednesday 15 June and 11:59 on Thursday 16 June
  • between 12:00 on Friday 17 June and 21:00 on Friday 17 June

Strike Dates Announced In Fight To Defend Sacked Reps Arwyn and Eamonn

TUBE UNION RMT today announced strike dates after members voted by almost two to one for strike action in a ballot of all train operator and instructor operator members in the on-going disputes over the victimisation of union activists including two driver members - Eamon Lynch and Arwyn Thomas - over their trade union activities.

AMENDED New issue of RMT up front - Drivers vote to stop victimisations on tube

The RMT Train Grades Committee has produced a new "Up Front" the newsletter for London Underground drivers. This edition has been amended to take account of RMT General Grades Committee decision. Click on the attachment to download it. Main stories follow:

Drivers vote to stop victimisations on the tube

What a result! Train drivers and Instructor operators on LU were asked “are you prepared to take strike action over the victimisation of Eamonn Lynch and Arwyn Thomas?” 64% of drivers responded with a resounding yes vote on a turnout of nearly 50%
This is a major achievement for the union and shows that drivers across the whole of the combine and in every depot are determined to stop the victimisation of our fellow drivers. Never before has the union escalated an individual case across the whole of the tube network.

Why Station and Revenue Staff Should Support Victimised RMT Reps

Click '1 attachment' / file name to download the latest issue of 'RMT Platform', which leads with this article:

Station and revenue staff should support RMT's campaign to win the reinstatement of sacked driver reps Eamonn Lynch and Arwyn Thomas.

London Underground sacked Eamonn for following instructions from line control when he had a defective trip cock! Other drivers in similar situations, even those more at fault, have not been sacked. LU sacked Arwyn following allegations from a strike-breaker during last year's strikes against stations job cuts.

Result: LU Drivers' Strike Ballot against Victimisation

RMT GGC decision:

That we note the result of our ballot for strike action is as follows:-

Number of ballot papers issued ....1298.................
Total votes cast ....595 (45.8% turnout).......
Number voting “Yes” .....379 (63.9%)....
Number voting “No” .....216...............
Spoilt Papers ....0.........

Victoria Line Drivers Take Action Over Safety

RMT GGC decision:

Following the ballot result for action short of strikes in pursuit of this dispute, and following consultation with our reps and branch, we instruct our members involved in this dispute, from 00:01 on Thursday 5 May:-

  1. NOT to recognise the imposed sensitive edge door procedure and to work the previous safer instruction. i.e. go back to the carriage concerned and physically check the cause of activation.

Stopping Victimisations: Spreading the Word

RMT GGC decision:

That we note the resolution from our Bakerloo branch and support its sentiments. We therefore instruct the General Secretary to immediately write to all TUC-affiliated trade unions, asking whether they plan to hold any industrial action in London or the surrounding areas during May or June, and inviting them to discuss with us the possibilities of co-ordinating that industrial action with any strike action we call in pursuance of this dispute.