LUL Trains

News, reports and information for London Underground train drivers


Personal Thanks For Your Support




Dear Colleagues,

As you are aware, I was summarily dismissed from LUL on October 13th 2010.
This letter is my chance to set out the facts of the case rather than the half truths, rumours and spin LUL have chosen to fill the media with.

On August 9th my train had a defective trip cock at Stonebridge Park. When this incident was being investigated, I was given assurances by Bakerloo senior managers that my job was not on the line and I would face a misconduct charge at the most.

Striking Back Against Victimisation

RMT drivers on the Bakerloo line and at the Northern line's Morden depot are today striking against the unjust sackings of workmates Eamonn Lynch and Arwyn Thomas. The first photo is of pickets at Eleplant & Castle, the other three of pickets at Morden. To read more information about these sackings, please click on the 'Opposing victimisation' link above.

elephant and castle picket
morden picket

Picket details: Bakerloo and Morden drivers' strikes

In two separate disputes, RMT drivers will be striking on the Bakerloo and Northern lines, starting with the night duties on Friday 14 January and continuing all day Saturday.

Please join the picket lines. Your support will be welcome, whatever length of time you can stay. Here are details of Saturday pickets

  • Saturday from 04:30, continuing all day - Morden depot (to get there by bus, click here)

Reinstate Eamonn and Arwyn: pickets tonight and tomorrow

In two separate disputes, RMT drivers will be striking on the Bakerloo and Northern lines, starting with the night duties tonight (Friday) and continuing all day tomorrow (Saturday).

Please join the picket lines. Your support will be welcome, whatever length of time you can stay.

  • Friday evening, from 22:00 - Queen's Park depot (to get there on London Overground, click here)
  • Saturday from 04:30, continuing all day - Morden depot (to get there by bus, click here)
  • Saturday from 05:00, continuing all day - Elephant & Castle depot (to get there by bus, click here)
  • Saturday from 05:00, continuing all day - Queen's Park depot (to get there on London Overground, click here)

London Underground Functional Council election results

The following have been elected to serve as functional council representatives, January 2011 to December 2013

  • Trains Council: Glenroy Watson (Finsbury Park branch)
  • Stations and Revenue Council: Mac McKenna (Hammersmith & City branch) & John Reid (Camden 3 branch)
  • Service Control Council (SO 4 seat): Michael Livingstone (Piccadilly & District West)

Sacked Train Operators - Central Line West branch

From Bob Crow, RMT General Secretary


I write to update Branches that following the unjust economic dismissal of Bro Kevin Mortell and the subsequent industrial action, the General Grades Committee have made the following decision:-

“That we continue to press LUL for a Directors Review and support Brother Mortell in pursuing his Employment Tribunal application”

I will keep all Branches advised of any further developments.


RMT announces action in two separate disputes over victimisation of underground train operators Eamon Lynch and Arwyn Thomas

IN TWO separate disputes over the victimisation of RMT London Underground activists the union today announced action in support of train operators Eamon Lynch and Arwyn Thomas.

Result of Ballots for Industrial Action Against Victimisation of Eamonn Lynch

From Bob Crow, General Secretary

I write to advise branches that the ballot results have been received from the scrutineer and are detailed below for your information:-

Elephant and Castle Station

Are you prepared to take Strike Action?

Total Votes Cast 2
Number Voting ‘Yes’ 1
Number Voting ‘No’ 1
Spoilt Papers 0

Are you prepared to take industrial action short of a strike?

Total Votes Cast 2
Number Voting ‘Yes’ 2
Number Voting ‘No’ 0