LUL Trains

News, reports and information for London Underground train drivers


RMT to Ballot Victoria Line Drivers over Health and Safety Issues

General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the resolution from our Finsbury Park branch and accept its proposal. We therefore instruct the General Secretary to conduct the ballot of our Victoria Line driver members for action short of strikes as soon as practical, with the title “Breakdown of machinery of negotiation: Victoria Line upgrade safety and training issues”.

DISI - Defective in Service Instructions

RMT General Grades Committee decision on DISI:

That we note and accept the report from our lead officer for London Underground. Accordingly, we instruct the General Secretary to issue as soon as possible a circular with the following wording:

RMT is completely opposed to section 2.2 of version 3 of the D.I.S.I. that states “Generally the train operator will be the most appropriate person to assess the defect. However in some cases the controller may decide to arrange for somebody else to attend the train and carry out the assessment.”

Bakerloo News March edition

Click on the attachment to down load the lastest Bakerloo Branch newsletter.

Main stories follow:
Double standards exposed
Since RMT health & safety rep, Eamonn Lynch’s dismissal in October, train drivers on the Bakerloo Line have taken two days strike action for his reinstatement. The issue is now being dealt with at ACAS and the RMT’s General Grades Committee has agreed to escalate the dispute to every train depot on the combine.

RMT to Ballot LU Drivers for Strikes in Escalation of Battle against Victimisations

RMT General Grades Committee decision today:

We note that our Regional Council has voted unanimously that it wishes to escalate our battle for the reinstatement of our sacked driver reps Eamonn Lynch and Arwyn Thomas to a strike ballot of all London Underground driver members. Our driver reps and members see these sackings as part of a concerted disciplinary clampdown against drivers across London Underground and as an attempt by LUL to weaken RMT’s organisation among train grades.

MPs Back Our Fight for Reinstatement of Reps

“I am appalled that London Underground are refusing to reinstate Arwyn Thomas and Eamonn Lynch, when the Employment Tribunal has already ruled that their dismissal was discriminatory because of their trade union activities. It is vital that we stand up for our local trade union reps who are in the frontline of protecting workers interests and I fully support the RMT’s political and industrial campaign for justice for Arwyn and Eamonn.”
Jeremy Corbyn MP, Islington North

Strike action over victimised tube drivers off to allow for talks and for fresh ballot of all tube drivers

TUBE UNION RMT confirmed today that strike action on the Bakerloo and Northern Line’s, scheduled to run from Sunday to Monday evening over the victimisation and sacking of two drivers, has been called off to allow for ACAS talks and to pave the way for a ballot for action of all London Underground drivers.

RMT had also received a threat from the employers to dash to the Court’s under the cloak of the anti-trade union laws.

It’s time to stand up and fight for Eamonn and Arwyn

Click on the 'attachment' to see the February edition of 'RMT Up Front', the newsletter from the RMT train grades on London Underground. Full story follows:

It’s time to stand up and fight for Eamonn and Arwyn
If we tolerate these sackings, you might be next

Drivers on the Bakerloo and Northern Lines have already taken strike action to overturn the sackings of their workmates. The RMT is now looking to escalate the action across every depot in the combine. Below are the reasons why:

Further Strikes for Eamonn and Arwyn

RMT's General Grades Committee has taken the following decisions to call further strikes:

Dismissal of Eamonn Lynch

In line with the request of our Bakerloo Line branch, all members at Queen’s Park and Elephant & Castle traincrew depots are instructed not to book on for any duty that commences between 21:00 hours on Sunday 20 February and 20:59 hours on Monday 21 February.

This date to remain confidential until notice is served.

That we seek talks with the employer under the auspices of ACAS with the aim of resolving this dispute.