LUL Trains

News, reports and information for London Underground train drivers


Tube drivers ready to fight back in Piccadilly Line dispute

Further to my previous Circular (IR/317/16, 26th October 2016), the ballot has concluded with members voting as follows:-

Question: Are you prepared to take strike action?

Total Votes Cast 201

Number Voting ‘Yes’ 169

Number Voting ‘No’ 32

Spoilt Papers 0

Question: Are you prepared to take industrial action short of a strike?

Total Votes Cast 201

Number Voting ‘Yes’ 176

Number Voting ‘No’ 25

Spoilt Papers 0

Big votes for action in two separate disputes on London Underground

Tube union RMT confirmed today that balloting has concluded in two separate disputes on London Underground with massive votes for action being recorded in both. Both disputes, tube station staff and Piccadilly Line drivers, have safety of passengers and staff at their core.

The disputes are:

RMT Upfront November 2016

RMT Upfront is the newsletter for drivers on London Underground, produced by RMT driver activists and reps.

In this edition:

  • Tube bosses confirm driverless train testing has taken place
  • Happy New Year to Night Tube drivers
  • RMT demands end of cuts following North Greenwich bomb incident
  • District and H&C Line dispute over Boxing day and NYE working
  • Piccadilly Line Ballot 
  • Night Tube & Trains Grades meetings

Please share the newsletter with your colleagues.


Piccadilly Line drivers ballot prepared

A ballot for strike action of drivers on the Piccadilly Line is being prepared. The dispute involves issues over breach of procedure, mistreatment of a line representatives, unfair disciplinary action and issues surrounding safety and training.

Read the latest Piccadilly Line newsletter for all the latest news for drivers on the line.


London Underground bosses confirm driverless train testing has taken place

Following a number of reports of London Underground carrying out trials of ‘driverless’ trains into and out of Willesden Green sidings on the Jubilee line, the Trains Health & Safety Council formally asked LUL at director level if the reports were correct. LUL confirmed that they have been testing technology that would allow trains to move in and out of sidings without a Train Operator on the train.

London Underground Trainside Meeting

To all Industrial and H&S Train Operator Representatives – LUL

Dear Colleagues

Please see the attached letter (below) that John Leach has received from the General Secretary calling for a meeting of Train Staff Representatives within 10 days to discuss the above as well as the situation on the Hammersmith & City and Piccadilly Lines.

This meeting will take place at 10.00 hours in the Boardroom, Unity House on Monday 31st October.

Night Tube Drivers to get fair choice on New Years Eve working and equal bonus payment

London Underground has agreed with the RMT about the fairest way to operate services on New Years Eve.

Now all Night Tube drivers will have the opportunity to either work or apply for annual leave on NYE, but if they choose to work they will be paid the same enhancements as full time drivers who volunteer. This has been a prolonged process – taking many months to achieve – but at last we have a position which is both fair and consistent with current procedures.

The truth: RMT position on Night Tube drivers New Years' Eve working

NEW YEARS’ EVE WORKING 2016 - An update

Dear Colleagues It has been brought to my attention that Aslef has been making wildly inaccurate claims about this Union’s position on NYE payments for drivers. It saddens me to have to refute statements from another union, because I believe we should always strive to work together, but I cannot allow falsehoods to go unchallenged.

Hammersmith & City and Circle Line Drivers' strike goes ahead from this evening

Following an overwhelming vote for action by RMT drivers on the Hammersmith and City and Circle Lines, and a failure to reach an agreement in talks held through ACAS right up to the wire yesterday, the union has confirmed this morning that 24 hours of strike action will go ahead from this evening.

All affected members have been instructed NOT TO BOOK ON for any shifts that commence between:-