LUL Trains

News, reports and information for London Underground train drivers


Tube bosses refuse to address serious issues at heart of dispute and strike goes ahead tonight on Piccadilly Line


Tube union RMT  today confirmed that there have been no further talks and 24 hours of strike action goes ahead from nine o’clock tonight by nearly 400 train operators across the Piccadilly Line over a comprehensive breakdown in industrial relations combining a range of issues. No services will be running.

85% voted for strike action with an even larger number voting for action short of a strike.

Piccadilly strike remains on due to 'out of control' management

Dear RMT members,

This afternoon I have received a letter from LUL on the above. After waiting 6 days for any contact.

We made it clear at ACAS last week that our three (with three aslef as well) 6 in total victimised members at Oakwood need to be exonerated before the strike called for tomorrow. They've had at least 6 days from acas and weeks before that as well with all other issues to be resolved.

This has not been offered. An appeal for one member which is a legal entitlement is all that is forthcoming, as well as a meeting for another case and an acas review.

Trains Functional Update: Night Tube and Four Day Week Trial

As you all maybe aware we are now in the process of working together with LUL to sort out the detail regarding the staffing of Night Tube, such as their contracts and rosters. This includes how they will be managed on Nights, transfers and moves and ways for them to progress from part time drivers to full time and their future development. We are also going to have to work out what will happen to depots with existing Nights as well as Night Tube duties, because depots with existing night duties will now NOT be working on Friday and Saturday night as these will be Night Tube duties only.

Piccadilly Line strike dates announced


Further to my previous Circular (IR/0037/16, 18th February 2016), the ballot has concluded with the following result:-

Question: Are you prepared to take strike action?

Total Votes Cast                       180

Number Voting ‘Yes’                 153

Number Voting ‘No’                  27

Spoilt Papers                            0


Piccadilly line strike resolution talks thwarted by 'extremely hostile' tube bosses

Dear RMT members,

Today myself and RMT Piccadilly line reps met the company at ACAS. Aslef were there as well.

We laid out a clear way to resolve this dispute. We insisted that the six warnings at Oakwood were cancelled and a Directors review be called for another specific case.

Both were answered with a "no" and an extremely hostile management approach

We would have been prepared to outline a working plan to resolve other key issues with timetabled resolution talks to be led by a General Manager but managment thwarted that.

Piccadilly Line strike dates confirmed

RMT confirms strike dates after overwhelming vote on Piccadilly Line over comprehensive breakdown in industrial relations

Tube union RMT  today confirmed strike action by nearly 400 train operators across the Piccadilly Line over a comprehensive breakdown in industrial relations combining a range of issues.

RMT has instructed all Train Operators and Instructor Operators to take strike action as follows:

Piccadilly Line drivers vote for strike action

Overwhelming strike vote on Piccadilly Line over comprehensive breakdown in industrial relations.

An RMT ballot of nearly 400 train operators across the Piccadilly Line for both strike action and action short of a strike over a comprehensive breakdown in industrial relations combining a range of issues has recorded massive votes in favour.

85% voted for strike action with an even larger number voting for action short of a strike.

The result will now be considered by the union’s executive.

RMT Upfront March 2016 - newsletter for London Underground Train Operators

Upfront is the RMT newsletter for drivers on the London Underground.  Please share it online and distribute it at your depot.

In this edition:

  • Pay & Night Tube ballot result: it's a YES

  • Stay safe - make sure traction current is switched off

  • Central line incident exposes danger of driverless trains

  • Union action sees rules for filming in cabs established

  • Breaches of agreements lead to second Piccadilly Line ballot


I'm a train operator get me out of here

Following a recent safety related incident incurred by a Train Operator whilst being filmed for 'the tube' programme, the issue of filming in cabs was brought into sharp focus. You may recall this is the same programme which in an earlier series filmed and aired footage of a Train Operator in obvious discomfort following a person under the train incident.