LUL Trains

News, reports and information for London Underground train drivers


RMTV: Message to London Underground Train Operators

The RMT have published a video explaining why the RMT is the best union for London Underground train drivers.

"From the minute I book on, the tracks that I run over, the trains that I drive, the signals that I work under, even so far as the food that I eat: If I know that those people are part of a strong union, I know that their welfare is being looked after as well as mine. If their welfare is looked after I can rest assured that they are working in a safe environment and their going to provide a professional service" - RMT Train Operator, Picaddilly Line.

Next Train Grade Committee meeting

All driver members are invited to the next Train Grades Committee meeting to be held at Unity House on Thursday 26th starting at 1430.

Items on the agenda

Olympic rewards negotiations for which there is no agreement at present with RMT
LUL's plans for driverless trains
Other reports from stage two reps
Line reports(what's happening in your depot)
Any issue you want to raise.

It's your union, your job, find out what is happenning and have your say.

Hope to see you there.

Dean O'Hanlon

Strike a badge!

The Bakerloo Branch has commissioned this badge to commemorate our campaigns for JUSTICE last year. The badges will be ready and distributed to members across the combine in a few weeks.

Members are aware that the image of Arwyn and Eamonn is iconic and symbolises the victimisation disputes last year. Off the back of that campaign about another 10 members jobs across the combine were saved as LU backed off. As the badge says "solidarity wins!"

RMT up front, issue 18, November 2011

Click on the attachment to see the latest issue of RMT up front, the newsletter for drivers on London Underground. This issue features articles on LU's 'operational vision', Olympics 2012, and LU' misuse of the drug and alcohol policies.

Main story follows:

Unite against ‘Driverless trains’

Management’s plans for your future have now been fully exposed thanks to the diligence of your Union.

RMT Wins James Masango's Reinstatement

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the correspondence on file and that agreement has now been reached that allows James Masango to return to work and that he has accepted the offer from his employers. This has been achieved after protracted negotiations with London Underground that eventually resulted in a satisfactory conclusion to this whole sorry saga. We congratulate our members and all those involved who helped achieve an acceptable conclusion to this matter.

Relevant Branches and Regional Council to be informed.

RMT meet management to discuss ASLEF/LU Olympics ‘deal’

RMT Regional Organiser, Steve Hedley, accompanied by RMT trains functional council reps met with senior LU management yesterday to discuss the ASLEF/LU Olympics ‘deal’.

The RMT made clear that as an independent trade union we were not bound by any deals struck with other organisations. Management understood that and confirmed that there were precedence’s were individual unions ‘failed to agree’ issues on different functional councils.