LUL Trains

News, reports and information for London Underground train drivers


Letter to all RMT drivers - RMT / LU Olympics deal

The following letter has been sent to all RMT drivers from Dean O'Hanlon, secretary of the RMT train grades committee:

Dear Colleague,

You may be aware that following our agreement at ACAS for the Olympics and a subsequent newsletter produced by RMT there has been a furious response from ASLEF which met at a senior level with LUL and produced a response from the Director of HR, Gerry Duffy.

London Underground Correspondence On Victoria Line Safety & Training To Be Discussed

We note the correspondence from London Underground. We instruct the General Secretary to forward this letter to our functional council representatives of train, depot and service control staff, asking for their comments and any additional information they may have about this issue, and to place replies in front of us.

London Transport Regional Council and branches to be advised.

Issue 21 RMT Up front

Click on the attachment to see the latest issue of RMT Up front, the newsletter for RMT drivers on London Underground. This issue focuses on the deal reached by RMT for our driver members. Main stories follow:

RMT wins gold for drivers

Talks at ACAS have achieved a breakthrough for RMT drivers on London Underground. The union’s General Grades Committee and LU have agreed a settlement which will mean that all RMT drivers will get a £500 bonus and £20 a day just for coming to work during the Olympics and Paralympics. There is also the £100 CSS bonus. The monetary payments for our drivers in this deal involve no agreement with the RMT to breach frameworks.

RMT narrowly loses vote for position of TFC staff side chair

With the upcoming retirement of TFC staff side chair, Dave Feldwick elections were held to fill the vacancy of the staff side chair. In a close fought contest, RMT nominated rep, Brian Munro narrowly lost the vote to be staff side chair by 1 vote.

As the RMT made the case for closer cooperation on the TFC, ASLEF members on the Council came close to splitting off and nominating Bro Munro.

Aslef rep Graham Dean was elected.

The RMT staff side wish Dave a long and happy retirement.

Guidance Notes For Duty Allocation Over The Olympics And Paralympics

RMT Trains Functional Reps have created a guideline for Olympic duty allocation. You can download it below and distribute.

  • What happens if I am not allowed in to take part of the allocation?
    • If you are not allowed in the allocation for whatever reason, inform your manager that it is the level 1 committees remit to carry out this task therefore you being part of that committee should be involved, and management and ASLEF should not continue with this process unless you are allowed in.

Pro Forma For Drivers Expressing Wish To Work Within Frameworks During Olympic Period

Pro forma is attached below

By now most of you will have received a copy of an expression of interest form circulated by LUL asking Drivers to give their preferences for working additional shifts over the Olympic period, in breach of our framework agreements. This form claims its distribution has been agreed with the Trade Unions whereas only ASLEF has agreed. RMT continues to be in discussions with LUL over our claims for Olympic recognition and reward.

LU / ASLEF ‘Expression Of Interest’ Document

Click on the attachment to download advice for RMT drivers. Main body of text follows...

All RMT members please be aware that an ‘expression of interest’ document is circulating in depots asking all drivers to state what shifts and or breaches of framework agreements you are prepared to work during the Olympics and Paralympics.