LUL Trains

News, reports and information for London Underground train drivers


12 year old boy could have died at Queens Park Sidings. The Time has come to bring back detrainment staff on the Bakerloo.

Yesterday (October 8th 2012) at 3.30pm, only the quick intervention of a driver in the North Sheds at Queens Park prevented a 12 year old boy from getting hit by a moving train or killed on live 630 volt juice rails.

The boy was over–carried into the sidings at Queens Park and managed to shimmy up and over the ‘inner car barriers’ and out of the train. He could have killed himself as his means of exit from the train was directly going onto the live positive rail. He got out of the train into an area of 4 live running roads; it was only the actions of the driver that prevented a fatality.

RMT up front October 2012

RMT Up Front Oct12Click on the attachment to see the latest issue of RMT Up front, the newsletter for RMT drivers on London Underground.

This issue leads on LU's proposals for driverless trains and the union's ballot for action of our test train operators, a report on TBTC working on the Northern Line, and a report on live safety issues from the Trains Health & Safety Council.

Hero Tube Cleaner And Train Driver Saves Child's Life

A London Underground cleaner pulled a child to safety from a railway line just moments after a driver hit their trains emergency brakes and prevented what could have been a fatal incident.

The eight year old boy was pulled to safety from the Jubilee Line tracks at Stanmore just moments after a train was brought to an emergency stop by the driver a few feet away.

Testing Of Driverless Trains

We note the report from our LT Regional Council train grades committee. We welcome the committee’s organising efforts, and instruct the General Secretary to offer assistance and resources.

We note the comments concerning which grades may be used to test driverless trains. We instruct the General Secretary to obtain a further, detailed report on this, and to ensure that membership data for all LUL train grades is accurate and up-to-date should we need to hold a ballot for industrial action.

Northern Line Upgrade Training Information

Northern Line Training Latest from Trains Health And Safety Council

Local Reps met with Trains Health and Safety Council and Trains Functional Council representatives and RMT Head Office to formulate RMT concerns over training and delivery of any agreed training.

Training Course: That initial feedback be received in a positive manner to help improve and tailor the course to meet t/ops needs.

Scheduled for Tuesday 2nd Oct....... Update ASAP

Practical Training:

TBTC Training On London Underground Northern Line

From Trains Functional Council

Just to update everyone on the Northern Line about what is happening regarding the training and i/o’s, there are lots of rumours regarding the working practice that may be asked of the i/o’s during TBTC training and the testing of TBTC area when it goes live at west finchley next february.

The RMT’s postion is clear on this, all IO’s must not be asked to breach their framework agreement in anyway
to facilitate this training.

RMT To Ballot For Action Over Driverless Tube

“RMT reiterates this union's complete opposition to driverless trains. Every train must have a driver, to ensure the safe and effective running of the Underground." - Bob Crow

TUBE UNION RMT confirmed today that it is to ballot for strike action and action short of a strike in a dispute over plans to rip up the safety rule book and begin the testing of driverless trains on London Underground.

Initially, RMT will be balloting all members who are test train drivers but the union has also made it clear that it will be looking at which other grades may be called upon to test-drive units with a view to balloting those staff as well.

RMT To Ballot Test Train Drivers For Industrial Action To Stop Tube Bosses Plans For A driverless Railway

We note the resolution from our LU Fleet branch, and reiterate this union's complete opposition to driverless trains. Every train must have a driver, to ensure the safe and effective running of the Underground. Plans to scrap drivers or reduce their driving duties are risking safety, services and jobs, motivated by saving money and undermining trade unionism.

We instruct the General Secretary to:

RMT To Collate Information As Part Of Fight Against Future Job Cuts At LUL

We note that this document adds further evidence to support our belief that London Underground is planning a wholesale attack on jobs and conditions, under the pretext of new technology such as driverless trains, smartcard ticketing and automated maintenance. We reaffirm this union’s view that new technology should be used to complement staff, improve services and increase safety – not as a pretext for cutting staff and cutting corners.