LUL Trains

News, reports and information for London Underground train drivers


Olympic Recognition And Reward TfL (LU) And London Underground’s Breaches Of Casualisation Dispute Settlement

"RMT members are instructed not to co-operate in any way with the counting of Incident Customer Service Assistants (ICSAs) towards the minimum number of staff on duty" - Bob Crow

From RMT General Secretary Bob Crow

I write to advise members that following the closing of both ballots for industrial action short of a strike the General Grades Committee has considered the situation and decided to call the following industrial action.

Olympic Recognition and Reward Dispute

Despite reaching agreement over the Olympic payment arrangements we continue to have problems with the implementation of the agreement. Therefore all LUL members are instructed to take the following industrial action short of a strike.

London Underground Members Vote For Action Short Of Strike To Prevent Casualisation Of Jobs During The Olympics And After

That we note the result of the ballot for action short of strikes is as follows:-

Total votes cast 1,954
Number voting “Yes” 1682 (86.3% of valid vote)
Number voting “No” 267
Spoilt Papers 5

Tube Bosses Want Driverless Jubilee Line In Three Years, Unstaffed Stations And Mass Ticket Office Closures Across Network

The Document is attached below

"RMT is demanding cast-iron assurances that this ... be dumped for good and we will have no hesitation in taking the action required to stop this" - Bob Crow

A SHOCKING INTERNAL LU document, released by tube union RMT today, exposes a secret agenda to move the entire Jubilee Line to driverless operation within three years, trialled later this year - with the other deep level tube lines to follow - without even train captains on board, to run stations unstaffed and to close ticket offices the length of the line.

The blueprint, drawn up by the senior management of LU under pressure from Mayor Boris Johnson to meet his manifesto commitment of “driverless operation”, was mapped out towards the end of last year for implementation, RMT believes, after the Mayoral election without a shred of consultation with the trade unions or the recognized structures.

The document is called “Deep Tube Railway – Generic Operations and Maintenance Concept – 2020” and its core proposals are:

LUL Plans to Destaff Trains and Stations - This Affects Us All !!!

From RMT London Transport Regional organiser

Here is a signed off copy of London Underground's plans for driverless trains, and unstaffed stations it includes the signatures of several senior engineers and indeed that of Howard Collins himself.

The General secretary has asked me to share the document with you our reps and branches so that you can inform our members accordingly.

Here are a few key points for your attention

Olympics payments for all drivers and trainee drivers

At an Olympics Implementation meeting today, RMT Trains Functional reps got an assurance from London Underground management that all drivers who are in the grade on the 26th of July 2012 will be paid the £500 bonus and £20 a day attendance allowance regardless of duties worked.

Any driver still in training and not passed out by the 26th of July will still get the £500 payment. The payment, however will not appear in the August 8th pay packet, but will be in September’s pay.

Bob Crow Writes To London Underground To Set Out Our Stance On Tube Olympic Agreement

"RMT have made it very clear therefore that no member should be forced to breach the current framework agreement if they so choose." - Bob Crow

.I write in response to your letter dated 30th May 2012, in which you raise concerns over a copy an RMT newsletter for RMT Train Operators. In addition I am most concerned and alarmed that a copy of our correspondence has been made available to appear in ASLEF newsletter dated 1 st June 2012. I shall respond to the points you have raised in turn:-

Bakerloo Driver Victimization Case Resolved

We note the report from our Bakerloo Line branch secretary, advising that this matter has now been resolved to the satisfaction of Brother Protheroe and his representatives.

We thank the branch for its prompt and effective actions on this case, and agree with the branch secretary that without a strong trade union position on this matter, LU may have reverted to type with their previous policies of victimising RMT reps and activists.

London Transport Regional Council and branches to be advised.