LUL Trains

News, reports and information for London Underground train drivers


RMT Says No To New Tube Faulty Radio Procedure


There is a new rule going live on May 4th, OSN 118. This would see trains running in passenger services with no direct contact the controller. This is obviously an unacceptable risk to the RMT.

We have had various meetings with LU on this matter and we have continually objected to its introduction. As LU were intent on imposing this on us we have contacted our Head Office with a view to escalating the matter. You will be hearing from our union top brass in due course on this matter.

Moving The Goal Posts: Tube Bosses Arbitrary Performance Bonus

Moving the goalposts?

A few years ago LUL introduced a performance bonus for operational staff. It wasn't something the RMT asked for, or were happy about. As a Union we believe that all earnings should be consolidated, i.e. included in the salary so that it is pensionable and goes up with inflation. However, LUL wanted a system that rewarded “good performance” so decided to pay us extra if we met certain targets. Sometimes we met them and sometimes we didn't – but at least it was possible to meet them.

Jubilee Line M Door Dispute Continues

Management are still pushing to introduced a new procedure for when a rear M door alarm activates – proceeding to the next station rather than investigating first.

We believe this is unsafe for a number of reasons. It is also an example of management’s attempts to dumb down our job by taking away the need for a train operator.

The Night Tube Negotiations – An RMT Drivers’ Discussion Document

Since Mayor Johnson first announced his plans to introduce Night Tube (NT) on Fridays and Saturdays back in November 2013, the question in every mess room and canteen has been about how, exactly, is it going to work? Whilst business leaders hailed the opportunity to “boost businesses, jobs and leisure opportunities in London’s vibrant night-time economy” drivers just wanted to know if it would be safe and how we will be fairly compensated for the increasingly anti-social working hours.

Jubilee South Upfront News March 2015

This is the latest edition of 'Jubilee South Train Drivers Newsletter' with news and information for RMT train drivers based at Stratford and North Greenwich.

In this edition:

  • Pay Talks Update – RMT Calls For Substantial Rise
  • Strike Called In McGuigan Dispute
  • Go back To Check M Door Alarms
  • Car Park Changes
  • Sacked For Being Epileptic
  • Night Tube
  • Age Medicals

Saturdays McGuigan Strike "First stage Of A Rolling Programme"

Further to my previous Circular (IR/034/15, 29th January 2015) the ballot for strike action has concluded and members are congratulated for returning a ‘yes’ vote and for the excellent support shown despite a massive campaign of misinformation and smears mounted by LU and TfL bosses and the media.