LUL Trains

News, reports and information for London Underground train drivers


Defend Alex McGuigan - How You Can Help

Alex McGuigan was sacked following a flawed alcohol test which we believe resulted in a false result. We balloted for industrial action to defend Alex which resulted in a yes vote for strike.

There are lots of ways that you can help Alex get his job back, and help the union ensure that alcohol testing is fair and robust for all of us on London Underground.

  1. Share the facts of the case

What Does An LUL Train Drivers Periodic Medical Involve?

The Train’s Health and Safety Council have received enquiries lately about what is covered in periodic age medical assessments. Below is a summary of the reply we received back from Occupational Health.

The periodic medical assessments that are undertaken include the following:

Health questionnaire:

Tests: Distance vision, near vision, colour vision, blood pressure, pulse, height weight and BMI, audiogram, mobility test, urine test (glucose, blood, protein), (blood sugar if glucose in urine or known Diabetes)

RMT Train Drivers Booklet

The RMT have compiled a booklet for train driver members. This handy guidance contains the following information:

  • Refusal to work on the grounds of health & safety
  • SPAD advice
  • Annual leave agreement
  • Transfers to depots
  • Help for carers
  • Rostering parameters
  • Overtime
  • Attendance policy
  • Grievances
  • RMT membership benefits
  • contact details for tier 2 and functional reps

Three reasons why a yes vote for the Alex McGuigan Case is essential

View and download the poster below

1 - We believe Alex is innocent

Alex has diabetes which we believe has given a false positive in a random breath test he took when booking on for duty. The RMT has seen evidence that this is possible. If the police breath test you and you fail, they take you back to the police station and you are tested again using much more robust equipment. At LUL once you fail a breath test that is it - sacked after 29 years unblemished service.

RMT General Secretary Says Vote Yes For Alex McGuigan Strike


Further to my previous Circular (IR/08/15, 12th January 2015), the ballot papers for all London Underground Train Operator and Instructor Operator members were posted out on Monday 26th January and the closing date for this ballot is Tuesday 10th February 2015. If any member has not received their ballot paper, please ask them to call the Freephone Helpline number on 0800 376 3706 as soon as possible so a replacement can be sent.

Upfront Tube Drivers Newsletter January 2015 - Defend Alex

In this special 'Defend Alex McGuigan' edition

  • Vote Yes For Strike To Defend Alex
  • RMT Offer To Call Off Ballot If LUL Respect Employment Tribunal Decision. Tube Bosses Say No
  • Hendy Apologises

Click 'read more' to view and download this newsletter.

You can do your bit to help by printing this out and distributing amongst colleagues.

RMT Offer To Call Off Driver's Strike Ballot If LUL Respect Employment Tribunal Decision - Tube Bosses Say No

Further to my letter dated 12th January regarding the above, members are aware that your Union’s Executive Committee has taken the decision to conduct a ballot of all Train Operator and Instructor Operator members over this issue. The ballot notice was sent to the Company yesterday, your voting paper will be sent out on Monday 26th January 2015 and must be returned for the closing date of Tuesday 10th February 2015.

TfL Commissioner Hendy Apologises For Incorrect Claims About Alex McGuigan

  • TfL Commissioner of Transport Peter Hendy apologises for “inadvertent error during an interview on LBC Radio” where he stated “this is a member of staff who was dismissed for drinking on duty”.
  • Urgent meeting called to discuss possible escalation of industrial action